7 easy ways to get motivated and improve your study habits
Finding the motivation to study hard can big challenge for students, but it is never too late to develop effective study habits. Read this blog if you want to learn how to study more effectively. You will obtain some of the good study habits for students that can give you the right motivation to study hard.
1. Determine your learning style: Working out your own learning methods will boost your study motivation. As a student, you will fit into any of the four major learning styles; visual (responding well to visual cues); auditory (remembering audio tracks); reading or writing (benefit from reading and making notes); and kinaesthetic (rely on practical training).
Knowing your preferred learning style you can also help you adapt to specific methods of studying. So, try out different studying techniques to figure out the method that helps you learn best!
2. Search for a productive place to study. Find somewhere to study where you will not be interrupted. In order to stay focused while studying, you need to find a study area that best meets your needs. This is mainly because the connection between what is surrounding you and your study materials can build up stronger memory among students. Eliminating distractions can help prevent your mind from wandering.
When selecting a place to study, it is generally suggested to find somewhere that is quiet, comfortable and distraction-free. Similarly, ensure you find a time to study that fits comfortably into your daily schedule.
3. Chart out the schedule. Planning your study time is very important and particularly so before any major test. Creating a set studying timetable will allow you to give yourself a plan to stick to. Additionally, it also makes sure your learning method is organised and that you relax and enjoy some personal time between subjects. You can make the most of your study time by setting alarms, using a wall planner, making to-do lists and setting time limits to complete each task.
Although studying every day might seem a tall order, it helps you to stay on top of things and avoid stress from last-minute cramming.
4. Have a proper academic and personal life balance. Pushing yourself academically can be challenging, so take your time when stepping out of your comfort zone. This can allow you to get a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Remember to focus on the outcome and not the struggle to reach your academic goals efficiently. You can do this by dedicating a certain amount of time to study each subject.
Try focusing on the task. This will enable you to prioritise the most important task to be done right at that moment and avoiding multitasking which can be less proactive.
5. Do your own research. Review what you have studied by backing it up with your own research on particular topics. In addition to helping keep track on what exactly you need to focus on, you will be able to add extra depth to your study notes. This can provide you with the practical knowledge to help you relate the course material to real life and reflect on what you’ve learnt.
You will also find that your class notes are equally important in improving your grades so make sure you take class lectures seriously and highlight topics stressed upon by your professor.
6. Ask for feedback. Meet your professors during office hours and ask for feedback. Whenever you get stuck on something or feel that something does not make sense, ask for help from your lecturers. You may want to reach out to your friends and fellow classmates as well. Asking for help will provide you with a wealth of information for exams and also help your bond with teachers.
7. Set rewards for yourself. Rewarding yourself each time you make a breakthrough on a subject will help you to reach your learning goals faster. This may include indulging in some yummy treats or organise one of your favourite activities in order to appreciate all the hard work you are putting in.
Do you find it hard to manage studies with your current lifestyle? Find out more about the flexible study programmes offered by the Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI). These programmes are a perfect blend of classroom study with online learning that can help you hone a subject without having to compromise on your daily life.
Learn more about what it is like to study at BSBI: