
Start-up Competition

BSBI organises an annual start-up competition for students to showcase their innovative business ideas. Not only is this an excellent opportunity for students to challenge themselves by developing a start-up idea, but the competition also enables them to gain experience for their CV and be involved in a business environment. There’s even the chance to win €1,000 as prize money to help students get their business off the ground!

Past Winners

Brian Afrifa

BSBI announced Brian Afrifa as the winner of our third start-up competition with his business plan named: ‘FIT-EAT’.

Find out more about his winning business plan here.

Sandra Akunna Ejiofor

Sandra Akunna Ejiofor was the winner of our second start-up competition with her business plan: ‘Foundation for Rural Female Development in Africa (FORUFEDA)’.

Find out more about her winning business plan here.

In December 2021, Sandra was featured in The Cable, which focused on her mission to support underprivileged young girls. You can read the full article here.

Winning Portfolios

1st Place Winner for the Third Competition

1st Place Winner for the Second Competition

1st Place Winner for the First Competition

Find out how to apply and further details of the competition and past winners here.