BSBI in the Media

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News and announcements about the Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) have been featured across multiple media channels. Browse the links below to find out more about these stories.



Under the title “12 AI hacks for everyday student life”, Prof. Farshad Badie, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics at BSBI, has compiled a selection of useful AI tools for students for specialist magazine Elektroniknet, beyond the well-known AI applications such as ChatGPT or Perplexity: 12 (KI-) Hacks für den Studienalltag – Uni & Job – Elektroniknet



Münchner Merkur covered our press release on “New Year celebrations around the world: the most unusual customs and their origins” including Dr. Susma Kumari´s quote: Neujahrsfeiern rund um den Globus: Die ungewöhnlichsten Bräuche und ihr Ursprung


Prof. Farshad Badie was published with an guest article in Tagesspiegel Background: Künstliche Intelligenz_ Kompetenz in vielen Branchen gefragt – Tagesspiegel Background.pdf – Google Drive // AI – compentences are demanded in various industries

03/12/2024 – News information-plattform covered our press release on “Traveling for Christmas: All information about car, train or flight and how to arrive relaxed” with a great reach: Reisen zu Weihnachten: Alle Infos zu Auto, Zug oder Flug und wie du entspannt ankommst


In an interview with Finance- and Career- Magazin, Charlotte Saal, Head of Student Services at BSBI, talks about the interests of first-year students, what is important when choosing a course of study and provides information about the results of the BSBI study on career choice: Die Qual der Wahl – Wie informieren sich Erstsemester über das Studium?


In view of Halloween, the Bild newspaper has republished the article ‘These are the most popular scary places in Germany.’ The article features BSBI’s evaluation of worldwide Google searches and compiles a ranking of the top 8 most famous spooky places in Germany.

01/10/2024 published our study under the title: ‘Students live cheapest in this NRW city in all of Germany.

Comments by Dr Farshad Badie, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation, were published in an article discussing the future of quantum computing on Information Age

WAZ covered BSBI´s story about “European ranking: Dortmund is the cheapest place for students to live”: Europa-Ranking: In Dortmund wohnen Studierende am günstigsten (

News-plattform T-Online covered BSBI´s analyses on the prices of student apartments: Hamburg: Wohnungsnot für Studierende trotz Bafög-Erhöhung (

Dr. Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra, BSBI lecturer for Business and Economy wrote an guest comment about rethinking growth for a sustainable future on Markteting Börse Grüne Wirtschaft: Wachstum neu denken für eine nachhaltige Zukunft (

A guest commentary on the topic of “AI and data usage, The balancing act between benefits and ethics” by BSBI lecturer Dr. Farshad Badie is published in the Tagesspiegel Background: Der Balanceakt zwischen Nutzen und Ethik - Tagesspiegel Background

Dr Farshad Badie, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published an article discussing the concept of automation as a dynamic process of digital ecosystem advancement, its impact on various domains, and its potential to shape the future on Software Testing News and Dev Ops Online.

In its article “Addidas admits mistakes”, the Süddeutsche Zeitung quotes the DAX analysis of BSBI's European Championship sponsors: Adidas-Chef Gulden: "Wir haben einen Fehler gemacht"

Dr Farshad Badie, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published an article discussing discusses the importance of interpretability in machine learning models for effective cyber-threat attribution and addresses the complexities of identifying cyberattack sources on Finance Derivative

Bild-Zeitung publishes the BSBI-Google ranking of the scariest tourism destinations in Germany and quotes BSBI tourism expert Dr. Kamilia Kentra: Reisen in Deutschland: Die 8 begehrtesten Grusel-Orte und Lost Places


Dr Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra, Lecturer at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation published an article discussing social entrepreneurship and how business schools can serve as the instigators of impactful ecosystems in the latest edition of Business Impact, the official magazine of the Business Graduates Association (BGA).


The Deutsche Handwerkszeitung has published the statement by Provost Prof. Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis on the supply chain law passed by the EU. 


BSBI’s Didactic Model developed by Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis features in the i5 framework PRME Viewbook.  


The TAZ reports in its article ‘Women in Politics – Prominent Yet Still Far Behind’ on the recent study conducted by BSBI titled ‘Comparing Economies: The Status of Female Representation in Political Institutions Worldwide’.


The EuroSecurity platform shares the commentary by Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis on the adoption of the Supply Chain Act. Prof. Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost & Chief Academic Officer of the Berlin School of Business and Innovation, comments on the risks and opportunities that the new draft law presents for the business sector.  


Kamilia Kentra, a Lecturer at BSBI and an Expert in Tourism, recently conducted an interview with DIE WELT newspaper, focusing on various aspects of the queer tourism market.  


Dr Gregor Tkachov, Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science at Berlin School of Business & Innovation, published this article discussing the importance of digital sovereignty for Europe and efforts to develop European digital infrastructure on Innovation News Network.  


Dr Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra and Dr Kaddour Chelabi, Lecturers at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about environmental initiatives in Decan Herald India


Dr Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about how gender equality drives economic growth in Decan Herald India



Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) announced a new partnership with the prestigious University of Roehampton London. This collaboration will enable BSBI to expand its programme offerings and provide students with an even broader range of educational opportunities to further their academic pursuits. This news was reported in the following media: Study Travel Magazine, FE News, India Education Diary, FE News and Applied HE


Open Access Government published this article by Dr (MD) Ahmed ElBarawi, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, discussing welfare economics and effective social policies that enhance wellbeing and equality.  


Open Access Government (pages 358 and 359) published this article by Dr (MD) Ahmed ElBarawi, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, discussing welfare economics and effective social policies that enhance wellbeing and equality in the October 2023 edition of the publication. 


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the range of AI training courses and programmes on offer across Germany and shared information on its first international AI conference on 24 June 2023. The findings were mentioned in the following online and print media: Cannstatter Zeitung, Esslinger Zeitung, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Eßlinger Zeitung, Cannstatter Zeitung / Untertürkheimer Zeitung, Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote, Stuttgarter Nachrichten Leonberg, Stuttgarter Nachrichten Stadtausgabe, Fellbacher Zeitung, Kornwestheimer Zeitung, Marbacher Zeitung - Bottwartal Bote, Stuttgarter Nachrichten Kreisausgabe, Stuttgarter Zeitung Stadtausgabe, Leonberger Kreiszeitung, Stuttgarter Zeitung - Filder-Zeitung-Süd, Stuttgarter Zeitung Böblingen, Stuttgarter Zeitung Eßlingen, Stuttgarter Zeitung Göppingen, Stuttgarter Zeitung Ludwigsburg and Stuttgarter Zeitung Rems-Murr-Kreis.


The July 2023 edition of Open Access Government (refer to pages 396-397) published this article by Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI, outlining the challenges and perspectives around European integration and the single market.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the range of AI training courses and programmes on offer across Germany and shared information on its first international AI conference on 24 June 2023. The findings were reported in the following online and print media: Esslinger Zeitung, Cannstatter Zeitung, Franken Post, Neue Presse, Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote, Kurier, Schwarzwaelder Bote, In Suedthueringen, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Vaihinger Kreiszeitung, COM Magazin, Computer World, Presse 24, Stuttgarter Zeitung Stadtausgabe, Leonberger Kreiszeitung, Stuttgarter Zeitung - Filder-Zeitung-Süd, Stuttgarter Zeitung - Böblingen, Stuttgarter Zeitung - Eßlingen, Stuttgarter Zeitung - Göppingen, Stuttgarter Zeitung - Ludwigsburg and Stuttgarter Zeitung - Rems-Murr-Kreis.


Open Access Government featured an article by Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI, discussing the challenges and perspectives around European integration and the single market.


My School Scholarships featured information on the scholarships on offer at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation has analyzed the satisfaction of employees in numerous large corporations in Germany. The findings were reported in: Schwaebische Post, Giessener Anzeiger, Frankfurter Rundschau, Kreiszeitung, TZ, Hersfelder Zeitung, BG Land 24,, HNA, Hallo Muenchen, Usinger Anzeiger, Mangfall 24, Frankfurter Neue Presse, Merkur, Mannheim 24, Extra Tipp,, AZ-Online, Leinetal 24, Fehmarn 24, Werra Rundschau, Web Nachrichten, Soester Anzeiger, Waldeckische Landeszeitung, Giessener Allgemeine, Kurier Verlag, Op-Online, Kreisbote, Wasserburg 24, Remscheider General Anzeiger, Rotenburger Rundschau, Innsalzach 24, BW 24, Wetterauer Zeitung, Press 24, Das Gelbe Blatt, News RND, Heidelberg 24,
Meine Anzeigenzeitung, Solinger Tageblatt, Kreis Anzeige, Sauerland Kurier and Chiemgau 24.


Entrepreneur Tribune published an article by Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost & Chief Academic Officer at BSBI and Dr Farshad Badie, Vice-Dean of Computer Science and Informatics, discussing impact of AI-based automation on the world.


The Frankfurter Rundschau takes up the BSBI analysis on the subject of "employee satisfaction" and looks into the question of which DAX companies have the happiest employees.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation examined the AI strategies of 22 countries. The findings were reported in: Guetsel, Connect Professional, Computer Base, iBusiness, One to One, Manage It, and Connect Channel.


Personalwirtschaft featured an interview with Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, discussing about geopolitical crisis.


Applied HE, India Education Diary and QS Global Education News reported on BSBI's expansion to Barcelona, in collaboration with its campus partner Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy (CETT) and academic partner, International Telematic University (UNINETTUNO).


QS Global Education News reported on BSBI's expansion to Barcelona, in collaboration with its campus partner Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy (CETT) and academic partner, International Telematic University (UNINETTUNO). 


Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced its expansion to Barcelona, in collaboration with its campus partner Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy (CETT) and academic partner, International Telematic University (UNINETTUNO). This news was reported in FE News, The Paradise and Leaders Net.


India Education Diary mentioned Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost & Chief Academic Officer of Berlin School of Business and Innovation, as one of the speakers at the recently concluded FutureEduX webinar.


This article in Information Age featured comments by Dr. Farshad Badie, Vice-Dean of Computer Science and Informatics at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, on the future of generative AI and its use cases.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation, with GISMA University of Applied Sciences and University of Europe for Applied Sciences, announced the launch of a scholarship programme for young people, affected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. This news was reported in QS Global Education News, FE News, Niedersachsen Aktuell, Finanz Nachrichten, Technik Smartphone News, Presse Anzeigen 24, Business-Tipp, Volksfreund, Saarbruecker Zeitung, City Visits, Braunschweiger Zeitung and Presse Portal.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation examined employee satisfaction in the largest German corporations from 2020 to 2023. The analysis was reported in Markenartikel Magazin, Marketing Boerse, Ingenieur and Global Print Monitor.


Study International published a Q&A with student Mai Tran, scholarship holder of the BA (Hons) Animation programme at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation, discussing her journey and aspirations.


Arab News featured Berlin School of Business and Innovation alumna, Hassa Marwaan Al-Sudairy, who discussed about archaeology projects in Saudi Arabia.


Finance Derivative published this article about the end of an era of cheap money and its impact on the global financial market by Dr. Milos Petkovic, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation.
French publication, Courrier International, republished an earlier article published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) which featured comments by Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, discussing the potentials of Artificial Intelligence.


The following media reported on the findings from an analysis conducted by the Berlin School of Business and Finance of the key risks and dangers to the global economy: Marketing Boerse, Silicon, and Deal Magazin.


Business Graduates Association published this article about the importance of data-driven education by Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Offer at BSBI, Dr Farshad Badie, Vice-Dean of Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics and Dr Maryam Mansuri, Head of Postgraduate Studies.


In an article about Artificial Intelligence published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), on Saturday, 25 February 2023, under the headline ‘Is AI taking over now?’ BSBI’s Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis explains that instead of fighting AI it has great potential which should be utilised. AI is not going away and its potential as a tool outweighs any risk of AI replacing human workforces. However, Professor Kouveliotis also cautions that AI is not infallible.


Dr Palanivel Rathinasabapathi Velmurugan, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about digital transformation for finance in Contact Centre Briefing


Digital Marketing Briefing published this article by Lecturer Flavio Andrew do Nascimento Santos/PhDc, about how to build a strong brand.


As mentioned in this news in ITS Berlin, Berlin School of Business and Innovation recently moved to a new campus in Alte Post.


As reported in QS Global Education News, Berlin School of Business and Innovation recently announced the opening of a new campus in the historic building of the Alte Post in Berlin. 


Berlin Boxx reported in this news that Berlin School of Business and Innovation officially opened its new campus in Neukolln.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation unveiled its new campus in the historic Alte Post building in Neukolln, as reported in Head Topics.


Tagesspiegel reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation moved to a new campus in the Alte Post building in Neukölln.


The following media mentioned that Berlin School of Business and Innovation recently moved to a new campus in Alte Post in Berlin: Proper City Frankfurt, Proper City Stuttgart, Proper City Berlin, Property Magazine, Deal Magazine, and Presse Portal



As reported in this news in India Education Diary, Berlin School of Business and Innovation recently hosted an event to officially open its new Berlin campus in Neukolln.


These news reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation opened its new campus in Berlin: Education Times of Germany, Nachrichten Heute


Berlin School of Business and Innovation recently announced the opening of its new campus in the Neukolln district in Berlin: information and detail about the event were shared by FE News and Applied HE.


In this news, Berliner Woche shared information about Berlin School of Business and Innovation new Berlin campus.


Study Travel Magazine published this story about the opening of Berlin School of Business and Innovation new campus in Berlin.


This article published in Berliner Morgenpost shared information about Berlin School of Business and Innovation new campus in Alte Post, Neukolln. The article includes quotes by Sagi Hartov, Co-Funder and Executive Chairman of BSBI.Content...


Berlin School of Business and Innovation Provost Roundtable about ‘The Future of Energy in Europe’ was featured on the Association of MBAs website. The article, listed under the ‘Insights’ section, reports on the event organized by BSBI and the discussion on the topics between the academics.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article in Genz Digital Agency about student Mi Alves and her experience studying digital marketing in Berlin.


QS Global Education News reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation expanded its social sciences portfolio with psychology programmes in partnership with UNINETTUNO University.

European Business Magazine published this article about Berlin School of Business and Innovation second Provost Roundtable about the ‘Future or Europe’, featuring extracts and insights from BSBI experts on the topics of tourism, multiculturalism and the economy.


Dr Farshad Badie, Lecturer, Postdoctoral Centre Coordinator and Scientific Journal Associate Editor at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about information-based technologies in Technology Dispatch


Canal do Intercambio mentioned Berlin School of Business and Innovation’s student Mi Alves in this article


This article in WirtschaftsRedaktion Oberpfalz reported on findings from an analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about emerging start-ups providing solutions.


Futures Parity published this article about online education by Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


Top Agrar reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation on startups working on alternative energy solutions


Berlin School of Business and Innovation were listed in this article in India Education mentioning the top collages and private universities for MBA in Germany.


These articles in Netcoo and Preview Online listed seven energy startups analysed by Berlin School of Business and Innovation


Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at some of the most innovative start-ups that are proposing solutions for businesses and consumers to face the energy crisis. The analysis was reported in Saarbruecker Zeitung, Braunschweiger Zeitung, Helmstedter Nachrichten, Wolfrenbuetterler Weitung, General Anzeiger, Volksfreund, Salzgitter Zeitung, Peiner Nachrichten, Gifhorner Rundschau


This article by by Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, about Germany’s professional needs and the role of education, was published in the October issue of Open Access Government Magazine.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at some of the most innovative start-ups that are proposing solutions for businesses and consumers to face the energy crisis. The analysis was reported in Finanz Nachrichten, SB Finanz, Wolfsburger Nachrichten, Pressemeldungen, WirtschaftsNetz-Nordrhein-Westfalen, WirtschaftsNetz-Sachsen, Blickpunk Deutschland, Gretler, 88energie

30/09/2022,,,, and shared Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at some of the most innovative start-ups that are proposing solutions for businesses and consumers to face the energy crisis.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was featured in this article about BSBI’s MSc in Digital Marketing student Mi Alves published in Study International.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at some of the most innovative start-ups that are proposing solutions for businesses and consumers to face the energy crisis. This was reported in Saarbrucker Zeitung and WallStreet Online.


As reported in this news article in, Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed which vaccine was used to immunise 174 heads of state and government from 108 countries.


Sarraute Educacion published this article by Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, about Germany’s professional needs and the role of education


Study Travel Magazine reported the news that Berlin School of Business and Innovation recently launched new programmes in collaboration with UNINETTUNO University.


As reported by India Education Diary and HTDS, Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced new programmes in collaboration with UNINETTUNO University, expanding its portfolio to social sciences.


Food and Drink Network published this article by Jürn-Christian Hocke, Interim Head of Faculty of Arts at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, branding and marketing in the digital world for food labels and products.


Trainers Adda reported the news that Berlin School of Business and Innovation extended its partnership with UNINETTUNO University by launching five new programmes.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced new programmes in collaboration with UNINETTUNO University, expanding its portfolio to social sciences. The news was reported in FE News and Applied HE.


As reported in Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed what type of Covid vaccines were chosen by politicians and world leaders.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed what type of Covid vaccines were chosen by politicians and world leaders. The analysis was reported in the following media:

News Es Euro

Global News

Germany Detail Zero


Diario Momento

Opera News

Bitcoin Nachrichten

Canada Day

Al Chile Poblano



Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about education in Germany in Open Access Government.


BSBI was featured as one of the top private schools in Germany on


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was listed in this article in Scholars Immigration about studying for an MBA in Germany.


This article published in Zing News shared information about studying at Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


This news in Ngoisao reported on Berlin School of Business and Innovation standing out from other schools.


Global Banking and Finance Review published this article by Dr Farshad Badie is Lecturer, PostDoctoral Centre Coordinator and Scientific Journal Associate Editor at Berlin School of Business & Innovation, about data analysis in business.


This article in Café F discussed why international students are attracted by Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


These articles published in Tribune News and Detik Edu shared information about Berlin School of Business and Innovation


In this article published in Erfolgx, Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed what skills are required for the most for DAX40 companies hiring in Germany.


Marketing Boerse reported an analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the skills in demand from DAX 40 companies.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article in Digital Journal.


Comments by Jürn-Christian Hocke, Interim Head of Faculty of Arts at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, were included in this feature about digital marketing trends published in Website Planet.


Business Graduates Association (BGA), published this article by Dr Farshad Badie, Lecturer and Postdoctoral Research Centre Coordinator at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation, providing insights on how business leaders and entrepreneurs can further their team’s knowledge with creative business conversations.


Infographic based on an analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation were included in this article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about higher education and career prospects.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the presence of international employees at DAX 40 companies in Germany. The findings were reported in, and


Website Planet interviewed Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, and asked him about the current state of digital marketing as a career path, and what’s in the future for the leaders of tomorrow...


Dr Farshad Badie, Faculty of Computer Science & Informatics, Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about Artificial Intelligence as a diagnosing mean for Formal Thought Disorder in Global Banking and Finance Review


Global Banking and Finance Review published this article by Dr Vivek Arunachalam, Lecturer and Café Scientifique Coordinator. The article, focused on the disruptive innovations of the software industries, also shared information about the Café Scientifique events hosted by BSBI


Training Journal published this article by Jürn-Christian Hocke, Interim Head of Faculty of Arts, in which he writes about Digital Adoption in the workplace and how this can be successfully implemented. The article was also published in Ways2Rock.


Global Banking and Finance Review published this article by Dr Vivek Arunachalam, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, about the Industrial Evolution 4.0.


This article in Presse Box reported on a new partnership between Berlin School of Business and Innovation and UniApp.


Web und Mobile reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation examined which companies from DAX 40 are looking for the most IT specialists.


As reported in this article published in Elektroniknet, Berlin School of Business and Innovation examined IT specialists vacancies for DAX 40 companies.


PA Life published this article by Jürn-Christian Hocke, Interim Head of Faculty of Arts at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, about lessons learned from businesses with regards to remote working throughout the pandemic.


In this news mentioned Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysis of Germans’ interest in financial trends

21/02/2022 mentioned Berlin School of Business and Innovation’s analysis of the interest in financial investments in Germany.


The PIE News featured news about the appointment of Jürn-Christian Hocke as Interim Head of Faculty of Arts in Hamburg in its ‘Movers & Shakers’ section.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation examined which investment types and financial topics are particularly popular among Germans, as reported in


Versicherungsbote featured Berlin School of Business and Innovation’s analysis of the interest in financial investments in Germany in this roundup of news


As reported in, Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed interest in different forms of financial investments in Germany

14/02/2022 shared information about Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysis of Germans’ interest in financial investments


This news on the European Cultural Parliament website shared information about Berlin School of Business and Innovation graduation ceremony, attended by Ambassador Karl-Erik Norrman, Founder and Secretary General of the European Cultural Parliament (ECP).


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed Germans’ interest in financial investments and economic fluctuation. The findings were reported in the following media: Finanznachrichten, Stock World, Aktien Check


An analysis conducted by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about speakers’ gender at tech events in Germany was mentioned in this article in



An analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about employees’ satisfaction in health professions in Germany was mentioned in PraktishArzt.


As reported in this published in One to One, Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the popularity of Christmas adverts.


CHIP365 published this article about Berlin School of Business and Innovation’s analysis of Christmas commercials for groceries stores in Germany.


Markenartikel and Global reported this analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation, focused on the popularity of Christmas commercials in Germany.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the popularity of Christmas adverts, as reported in these articles in Werben und Verkaufen (W&V), Marketing Boerse,


The Cable Nigeria published this interview with Sandra Akunna Ejiofor, alumna at Berlin School of Business and Innovation. In this interview about FORUFEDA, the organisation she founded to support girl-child education in Nigeria, she talks about her experience studying at BSBI and the support she received by the institution, including the start-up competition.


Chukwuma Anklin Amadi, student at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was interviewed by BizzWatch Nigeria, discussing his efforts to reduce illiteracy in Nigeria as well as his experience studying at BSBI.


In this article published in Global Banking and Finance Review Professor Dr Marios Menexiadis and Professor Dr Christos, Lecturers at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, discussed how to detect and prevent fraud.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned as one of the participants for QS’ upcoming Global University Fair in QS Top Universities.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article in Chi Phi Du Hoc Canada about universities in Germany.


Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was quoted in this article in QS Top MBA about how MBAs will change in 2022.


Comments by Doctor Vivek Arunachalam, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, were included in the printed report about digital acceleration published by Supply Management Insider. The report is available to download here.


Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was mentioned in this article published by IN about the concept of a ‘Global Degree’.


From Press and Merkur shared findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about what vacancies are available at DAX 40 companies in Germany.


Frankfurter Rundschau reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about DAX 40 companies and what kind of roles and contracts they are hiring.


In this article, El Espanol mentioned the Global Degree idea by Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was featured in a podcast interview with Global Greek Influence. The interview is available on Spotify.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article in Sympla about alumnus Milton Rocha Net


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this news about the 2nd International Educational Exhibition - Edusessions Fair published in Legit.


The following media reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the interest of German people in environmentally friendly modes of transport.

Umwelt Panorama

Motor Exclusive

Unternhemen Huete

Auto Presse

Business Panorama

Motor Traffic

Caravan News

Regio Aktuell 24



Findings of an analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation on the interest of German people in environmentally friendly modes of transport was reported in Global Press and Regio-Aktuell 24.


The news published in Back 2 School Africa reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation has partnered with the organisation to provide access to education and academic support to underprivileged children in underserved communities in Kano State, Nigeria.


In this article published by Creative Brief, Liz Fernando, Head of Academic Operations Arts, discusses the art of creative education and the importance of curiosity.


MSN published this analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about DAX 40 companies offering new jobs.


In this article published by Business Insider, Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the vacancies currently available at DAX 40 companies.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed job advertisements of DAX companies in Germany to find out which company is hiring the most. The findings were reported in the following media: Nachrichten Yahoo!, Yahoo! Life, Yahoo! Finanzen


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed job advertisements of DAX companies in Germany to find out which company is hiring the most. The findings were reported in the following media: MSN LifestyleMSN Stars,  MSN Sports


As reported in Flipboard and Ludswigburg24Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed job advertisements of DAX companies in Germany to find out which company is hiring the most.


The article in Happening Next shared information about Berlin School of Business and Innovation Faculty of Creative Industries Open Day.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article about the QS Global University Fair published in QS Top Universities


As reported by Web und Mobile, Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced its expansion with a second campus in Hamburg

02/08/2021 reported the announcement that Berlin School of Business and Innovation has launched the Faculty of Creative Industries with a second campus in Hamburg.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed employees’ satisfaction in creative agencies in Germany, as reported in Horizont.


Horizont Newletter reported the analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the satisfaction on employees in creative agencies in Germany.


In this article published in Marketing Boerse Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed employees’ satisfaction in creative agencies in Germany.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the type of contracts and vacancies available in different parts of Germany. The findings were reported in:


Unternehmen Huete

TRD Pressedienst

Smart Home

Business Panorama


Berlin School of Business and Innovation launched a new multi-campus partnerships with institutions in Greece and France, and announced the publication of an article from Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI, in UN Chronicle. The news was reported in Applied HE


My Heimat reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the different types of contracts available for new employees in Germany.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced a new multi-campus partnership with institutions in Greece and France, and that an article from Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI, was published in UN Chronicle. The news were reported in the following media:

Yahoo! Finance Singapore

Associated Press

Finanz Nachrichten

Financial Post

Morning Star

Investors Hub

Street Insider


DMN Newswire

Yahoo! Finanzas

Digital Conqurer

Biz Wire Express

Ibero News

Consumer Infoline

Estrategias de Inversion

Business Wire

Mangalore Mirror

The Truth One

Yahoo! Finance



5 July 2021

A Twitter post by Berlin School of Business and Innovation was highlighted in the feature published in Latestly, showcasing positive and motivational social media posts raising awareness for National Workaholic Day 2021.

6 July 2021

Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced a new multi-campus partnership with institutions in Greece and France, and that an article from Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI, was published in UN Chronicle. The news were reported in the following media:

National Post

Toremaga News

Der Tagesspiegel

News Edu KR

Boston Herald

Market Watch

Tehran Telegram

Lybia Business Info

6 July 2021

We Are The City published this article by Catherine Flynn, Student Services Manager at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, about how to get started with a career change.

6 July 2021

Explica and reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced that Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI, was recently featured in the UN Chronicle, the publication of the United Nations, as well as launching a new multi-campus study experience.

7 July 2021

Unternehmen Heute reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the most popular type of contracts currently available in Germany.

7 July 2021

As reported in Business Panorama, Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed regards to the type of vacancies and contracts currently available in the German job market.

8 July 2021

These articles reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation with regards to the type of vacancies and contracts currently available in the German job market: Smarthome, Ludwigsburg24

13 July 2021

In this news, Study Travel Magazine reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced the launch of a multi campus study experience between Germany, France and Greece.

17 July 2021

In this printed article, Frankfurter Rundschau reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation with regards to the type of vacancies and contracts currently available in the German job market.

21 July 2021

Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced the opening of a new campus, expanding its presence to Hamburg with a Faculty of Creative Industries, in collaboration with University for the Creative Arts (UCA). The news was reported in FE News, India Education Diary and QS Global Education News.

21 July 2021

The following media reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced the opening of a new campus in Hamburg, launching the Faculty of Creative Industries:,,,,,,,,, Presse Portal

21 July 2021

Gretler Group published this news about the opening a second campus in Hamburg for Berlin School of Business and Innovation, to host new programme focused on the creative arts.

22 July 2021

Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the change in the share value of listed sponsors and licensees of the UEFA European Championship. The findings were reported in,,, Aktien Check

23 July 2021

Niedersachsen reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation has announced the opening of a new campus in Hamburg.

26 July 2021

Study Travel Magazine reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced the opening of a second campus in Hamburg, with new programmes in the creative arts.

27 July 2021

Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced its expansion with a second campus in Hamburg, as reported in Volksfreund


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was listed in this article in Movementor about higher education in Germany.


Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article for The United Nations Chronicle, outlining the proposal for the "Global Degree", a new model for higher education.


The Business Graduate Association published this article by Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, about cultural diversity in global education.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced a new multi-campus partnership with institutions in Greece and France, and that an article from Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI, was published in UN Chronicle. The news were reported in the following media:

FE News

India Education Diary


QS Global Education News reported that an article from Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI, was published in UN Chronicle. The news also announced BSBI new multi-campus study experience.


Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about digital transformation in HRM Guide


In this article,  Markenartikel  reported on a recent analysis conducted by Berlin School of Business and Innovation on key marketing topics and trends listed for conferences and events.


Katherine Boxall, Head of Postgraduate Studies at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about creativity in business and leadership in SME Today, referencing BSBI Café Scientifique


Listin Diario listed Berlin School of Business and Innovation in this article about institutions offering scholarships for international students


Unternehmen-Heute and Ludwigsburg 24 shared that Berlin School of Business and Innovation examined the engagement of international experts of COVID-19 on social media


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

reported findings from Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the social media presence of virologists and COVID-19 experts around the world in this printed news


Berlin School of Business and Innovation examined the engagement of international experts of COVID-19 on social media as part of its strategic marketing master’s programme. This news was reported in the following media Business Panorama, Smarthome, Marketing Boerse

Berlin School of Business and Innovation examined the engagement of international experts of COVID-19 on social media as part of its strategic marketing master’s programme, as reported in I Business Marketing and I Business Analyse und Nachrichten


Open Access Manager published this article by Chad Manian, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, about sustainable technology.


This article in UBO RU shared information about the learning opportunities available at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, sharing details about its academic partners, programmes and options for students.


In this article Marketing Boerse reported on a recent analysis conducted by the Berlin School of Business and Innovation on key marketing topics and trends in the sector as part of its Strategic Marketing master’s programme.


Just Entrepreneurs published this article by Katherine Boxall, Head of Postgraduate Studies at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, about starting a business.


Dr Christos Lemonakis, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about remote working in HRM Guide.


Hochrein-Zeitungreported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at the educational qualifications of the executives of the DAX 30 companies.


The official website for International Women’s Day announced that Berlin School of Business and Innovation will host Sumaira Isaacs, CEO of World Tourism Forum, for a virtual event entitled: ‘The woman lead: the six principles of creative leadership’.


Perso Blogger published this article about Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysis of education qualifications for the executives of the DAX 30 companies.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the educational qualifications of executives of the DAX 30 companies. This news was reported in the following media: Smart HomeBusiness PanoramaUnternehmen .


Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, took part as a speaker at a global event organised by IIHMR University about health care management. The news was reported in The Hindu Business Line and Modern Ghana.


Ludwigsburg24 reported an analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the educational qualifications of executives of the DAX 30 companies.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the educational qualifications of executives of the DAX 30 companies, as mentioned the printed article Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed promotion and levels of diversity in companies in Germany, with findings reported in Berliner MorgenpostPresse AusburgFinanz NachrichtenHase PostAd Hoc News and Regio Journal.


MMnewsAktien Check and Naanoo shared findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation on diversity in German companies.


Professor Milos Petkovic, Lecturer in Management Sciences at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about the role of knowledge in business in Global Banking & Finance Review.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the educational qualifications of executives of the DAX 30 companies. This news was reported in TechnologieboxDeutsche PresseindexPresse-BlogImmittelstandItitProiMittelstandiiNews ,Klamm.deNews-ResearchNewsonline24PressewissenNew BlastPresseboxPresse-WissenDas ServicejournalPresse-RadarInternet-Intelligenz & Firmenpresse


Health & Care Management shared findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the satisfaction for employees working at Germany’s university hospitals.


The news announced that Berlin School of Business and Innovation BSBI have purchased Optime Timetabler and Optime Exam, Eventmap.


Chad Manian, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about sustainable technology at the time of the pandemic in Open Access Government.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at the satisfaction for employees working at Germany’s university hospitals. The findings were reported in IDW Nachrichten and Jura Forum.


IDW Online  reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at the satisfaction for employees working at Germany’s university hospitals.


Merkurist and Pratktischarzt reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the level of satisfaction of employees at Germany’s university hospitals.


Open Access Government published this article about digital transformation by Associate Dean Alexander Zeitelhack in the printed edition of the magazine.


Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was quoted in this feature in BBC Worklife about the German concept of ‘Quereinsteiger’.


Berlin School of Business and Finance was mentioned in this article in E-gmat listing options available to students interested in studying for an MBA in Germany.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned as one of the institutions part of the Global University Systems network in Germany in these news about a new campus for University of Europe for Applied Sciences:

Braunschwieger Zeitung, The World News, Firmen Presse, Mainz Cityvisits, Salzgitter Zeitung, Deal Magazin, Gretler, Gifhorner Rundschau, Presse Portal, Saarbruecker Zeitung, 123 Bildung, Vestors Capital, Helmstedter Nachrichten, Peiner Nachrichten, News 8, Volksfreund, Aachener Nachrichten, Ad Hoc News, Finanz Nachrichten, SB Finanz, Regionale Wirtschaftsnetze Deutschlands, Wallstreet Online, Konii, Presse Anzeigen 24, WirtschaftsNetz-Berlin-Brandenburg, WirtschaftsNetz-Sachsen, Hame In Online, Presse Portal


In this article published in Ladders Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was quoted in this feature for the BBC about the German concept of ‘Quereinsteiger’.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article published in How To Germany about the German education system.


These news published in Unternehmen Heute and Business Panorama reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation on employees’ satisfaction in Germany's university hospitals.


Unternehmen Heute and Business Panorama mentioned Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysis of employees’ satisfaction in some hospitals in Germany.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at employees’ satisfaction in Germany’s university hospitals. The findings were reported in Smarthome and Umwelt Panorama.


Ludswigsburg24 and Smarthome reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at the level of satisfaction for employees in Germany’s university hospitals.



E.tailment and IT4Retailers reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the satisfaction of customers with German fashion online retailers.


Textile Network reported findings from Berlin School of Business and Innovation, who analysed customers’ satisfaction of online retail for fashion brands in Germany.


Catherine Flynn, Student Services Manager at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about the importance of being a lifelong learner in We Are The City


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was featured in this article in Dek-D about its academic programmes and partnerships.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the popularity of Christmas video campaigns in Germany. The findings were reported in the following media: Genuss Maenner, Marketing Boerse, Frauen Finanzen Seite, Markenatikel, Lebensmittel Zeitung


These news reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the popularity of Christmas video campaigns in Germany.
One To One
Online Handler News


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article in  about business programmes in Germany.


Fempreneur reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation interviewed entrepreneur Maxi Knust for the cover feature of its Pioneer Magazine.


These news reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation, who analysed the level of employees’ satisfaction is some of the largest corporations. The analysis was mentioned in the following media: Wissen Management,

HR Journal,

Unternehmen Huete,

Business Panorama,



Ludwigsburg24 reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the level of employees’ satisfaction is some of the largest corporations.


Chad Manian, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about ethics in Artificial Intelligence in AI Magazine.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the level of employees’ satisfaction is some of the largest corporations in Germany, as reported by TRD Pressendienst.


Catherine Flynn, Student Services Manager at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about how to cope with COVID-19 burnout in Workplace Insight.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the level of employees’ satisfaction is some of the largest corporations in Germany. The findings were reported in the following media: 24Vest  ,AZ Online  , BGLand 24  ,Blickpunkt Nienburg ,Come on ,Da im Netz  ,Das gelbe Blatt ,Echo24 ,Fehrmarn24 ,Frankfurter Neue Presse ,Frankfurter Rundschau ,Gießener Allgemeine ,Hallo München ,Heidelberg24, Hersfelder ZeitungHNAInnSalzachKreisboteKreiszeitungKurierverlagLeinetal24Lokalo24LudwigshafenMangfall24Mannheim24Meine AnzeigenzeitungMerkurMSL24Nordbuzz.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the level of satisfaction from employees in some of the largest corporations in Germany. The news was reported in MSN Finanzen.

14/11/2020 reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the level of employees’ satisfaction is German companies.


Open Access Government published this article about digital transformation, written by Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


Studying in Germany listed Berlin School of Business and Innovation as one of the best business school in Germany.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed customer satisfaction of online shoppers in Germany for Black Friday. The findings were reported in: Internet WorldIBusinessShots MagazinOnline PCOne To OneVersandhausberater.


Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about flexible working in the latest issues of Open Access Government magazine.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the level of satisfaction of the local health authorities in Germany. The news was reported in the following media: The World News,

Aktuelle Nachreichten,

Express ,



Findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation on the satisfaction for local health authorities in Germany were reported in Westfalische Nachrichten and Munstersche Zeitung.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the level of satisfaction of the local health authorities in Germany. The news was reported in Umwelt Panorama, Unternehmen heute, Smarhome On,  Business Panorama, Nord24, WAZ, NRZ


Wellness komplett, Blog Fitness, Medizinblog and published findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation regarding local health authorities in Germany.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in Marketingbörse and Gesundheitsweb about the level of satisfaction of the local health authorities in Germany.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced a new partnership with the University for the Creative Arts to deliver UK accredited programs in Berlin. The news was reported in FE News and India Education Diary.


QS WOW News and Study Travel Magazine reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation and the University for the Creative Arts announced a partnership to expand BSBI portfolio of programmes.


In this article Telangana Today mentioned Berlin School of Business and Innovation’s approach to training and developing the next generation of business leaders and influential figures.


Toppx.De and Open PR reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation has announced a partnership with the University for the Creative Arts.


IT Pro featured comments by Catherine Flynn, Student Services Manager at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, in this article about climbing the career ladder.


Marketing Boerse reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the research budget and proportion of women in the management levels of the development departments of DAX 30 companies.


Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Chief Academic Officer and Provost at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was quoted in this article in Aixmi News about dual admission base to universities.


The article reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about the research budget and proportion of women in the management levels of the development departments of DAX 30 companies. This was published by


The New Indian Express published this article co-written by Shivangini Piplani, a student at Berlin School of Business and Innovation.

Finletter reported findings by Berlin School of Business analysis of employees satisfaction in German FinTechs


Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced the appointment of Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis as Provost and Chief Academic Officer. QS WOW News reported the announcement in this article.


Techerati published this article by Chad Manian, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, looks at the evolution of cybersecurity and how to stay safe online.


Chad Manian, Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about Artificial Intelligence for Open Access Government.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation appointed Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis as Provost and Chief Academic Officer. The announcement was reported in the following media: Open, Portal der Wirtschaft,


The PIE News reported that BSBI appointed Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis as Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI in its ‘Movers’ column.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation looked at the satisfaction of employees in German FinTechs. The finding, commented by Chad Manian, Lecturer, were published in the following media: IT Finanz Magazin, Marketing Boerse


Unternehmen mentioned findings from Berlin School of Business and Innovation about satisfaction of employees working at German FinTechs companies

WMD Brokerchannel, Fonds Professional AT, Deal Magazine, Deutsche Finanz, Business Panorama, Smarthome On, Ludwigsburg and Fond Professional DE reported findings by Berlin School of Business analysis of employees satisfaction in German FinTechs

Berlin School of business and Innovation looked at the level of employees satisfaction within FinTechs companies in Germany. The results, commented by Lecturer Chad Manian, were mentions in the following media: Finanz Nachrichten and Mein Geld.


Open Access Government published this article by Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation. Professor Kouveliotis writes about flexible working and how this can bring a new digital revolution.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the social media presence of famous virologists around the world. The news was reported in the following media: Diario de Xalapa, Sol de Cuernavaca, El sol de Tulancingo, Diario del sur, SDP Noticias, Sin Embargo, GM5.COM.MX, The world news, Diario la Talacha.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the popularity of social media profiles of medical experts and virologists during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article was reported in the following media: InvestingUNI TV 10Foro de BairesDiario Cambio


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in these articles analysing the social media presence of famous virologists around the world. The news was reported in the following media: Genuss


Chad Manian, Lecturer and Interdisciplinary Researcher at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about five tech trends to watch out for after COVID-19 in New Digital Age


The news reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation has joined the ‘United Nations - Principles for Responsible Management Education’ (UN-PRME) initiative. The news was reported  in the following, Firmen, Top, WN, Bank, The World, Hameln, City, Blog, Your First,,, Presse

Berlin School of Business and Innovation recently joined the ‘United Nations – Principles for Responsible Management Education’ (UN-PRME) global initiative.  India Education Diary reported the announcement with quotes from Professor Dr J. Manuel Barriga, MBA Programme Leader at BSBI, and Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI.


This article published in Study Travel Magazine mentioned that Berlin School of Business and Innovation became a signatory of the United Nations – Principles for Responsible Management Education (UN-PRME) initiative.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed website views of the most popular car brands in Germany during the COVID-19 crisis. The news was reported in the following media: Motor Mobiles, Automobile Woche.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the number of visits to websites of German cars manufacturers. The results were published in the following media: Unternhem HueteMannheimer MorgenBusiness Panorama.deCaravan NewsMotor ExclusiveFN WebAuto PresseWunschauto.


Marketing Boerse reported findings by Berlin School of Business and Innovation, who analysed the number of visits to German car manufacturers.

Absatz Wirtschaft reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the number of visits to websites of German cars manufacturers.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was listed as one of the institutions who received applications through the initiative "Export Talents - FUNDACIÓN BECA" in these articles published in Guanajuato Boletines and El Sol de Leon


Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about innovation and how to keep business relevant for Business Graduates Association, an international membership and quality assurance body of world-leading and high-potential Business Schools.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the number of visits to the official websites of German car manufacturers. The findings were reported in the following media Autohaus, Flotten Management.


Global Education Times announced that Berlin School of Business and Innovation recently joined the United Nations – Principles for Responsible Management Education (UN-PRME) initiative, to promote learning and practices to form sustainable value for the natural environment and businesses.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced the appointment of Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis as Provost and Chief Academic Officer. The announcement was shared by the following media: Study Travel Magazine, India Education Diary, FE News


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the popularity of social media profiles of medical experts and virologists during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article was reported in the following media: Marketing Boerse, Zona Franca, El Sole De Mexico, Central. in public speaking.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation has announced that it has become a Bronze Member of the Business Graduates Association, a sister organization to the Association of MBAs (AMBA) which accredits business schools based on their impact on students, employers and the wider community, in terms of ethics and responsible management practices. The news was reported in FE News.


India Education Diary reported that Berlin School of Business and Innovation has become a Bronze Member of the Business Graduates Association, a sister organization to the Association of MBAs (AMBA). The news featured quotes from Mr Sagi Hartov, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman at BSBI.


BSBI recently joined the Business Graduates Association, a sister organization to the Association of MBAs (AMBA) which accredits business schools based on their impact on students, employers and the wider community, in terms of ethics and responsible management practices. QS WOW News reported that BSBI is now a Bronze Member.


The PIE News published this feature about BSBI, reporting two important announcements. The article announces the launch of the webinar initiative “BSBI Dialogues”, quoting Sagi Hartov and Professor Kouveliotis, as well as sharing the news that BSBI is now a member of the Business Graduates Association.


Study Travel Magazine published this feature listing notable innovations and initiatives launched by the industry to cope with the coronavirus emergency. The ‘BSBI Dialogues’ initiative, a series of webinars aimed to encourage a global conversation about distance learning, was listed as one of the best practice put in place by higher education institutions in the emergency.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation celebrated International Women’s Day by hosting founder and entrepreneur Val Racheeva for a talk with its students. The initiative was announced by International Women’s Day and FE News.


Springer Professional mentioned Berlin School of Business and Innovation in this article about companies where employees prefer to work.


QS WOW News announced Berlin School of Business and Innovation’s partnership with JobTeaser, a website dedicated to career services for young people in higher education.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was listed in this article in Gadget News as one of the schools were to study for an MBA in Germany.


The news published in Bogenakademie announced a partnership between Berlin School of Business and Innovation and Bogenakademie, to introduce archery-based activities into the academic leadership curriculum.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced a partnership with JobTeaser, an online hub specialising in career services for people in higher education. The press release unveiling the collaboration was published in FE News.


This article published in Marketing-Boerse reported findings of Berlin School of Business and Innovation’s students, who investigated which European companies employees preferred to work for.

26/02/2020 published this article about the analysis conducted by BSBI looking at what companies employees prefer to work for.


Open Access Government published this article by Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at BSBI, about about digital transformation on a global scale.


"In this new model, the individual student becomes the centre of this new educational process; everything focuses on him or her as the “Global Degree Didactic Model” is being built around their academic and professional aspirations." Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Programmes and Partnership Director at BSBI, published this article about the ‘Global Degree’ in Business Game Changer


Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the gender diversity among public speakers invited to events and conferences. The results, commented by Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at BSBI, were published in: Marketing Borse Industry of Things


Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was interviewed by radio station Deutschlandfunk Nova about the recent analysis on gender diversity conducted by BSBI.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in Datev Magazin about its analysis of gender diversity of speakers at public events and conferences.


This news reported in, including comments from Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, featured an analysis conducted by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about gender diversity in public speaking.


Grunderszene reported an analysis conducted by Berlin School of Business and Innovation about gender diversity in public speaking.


05/12/2019 listed Berlin School of Business and Innovation as one of the schools offering degrees programmes in Germany.


Catherine Flynn, Student Services Manager at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article in The Local De and The sharing advice to students to find seasonal jobs over Christmas in Germany.


An analysis conducted by Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in Umwelt Dialog. The article, looking at expected salaries for people working as Santa Claus in Germany, includes quotes from Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at BSBI


Students from Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the income of those dressing up as Santa Claus for all districts of the largest 20 German cities. The research was featured in Hamburg News and Hamburg News English Edition .


Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced a partnership with Concordia University Chicago, to launch new programmes in Berlin in 2020. The announcement, featuring quotes from Dr Alexandra Gray, Academic Director at BSBI, was published in:, Market Watch , Yahoo! Finance , , International Business TimesASK , Great American Financial Resources, Odisha Sun Times , Picante 


Catherine Flynn, Student Service Manager at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was quoted in this article published in the latest issue of The PIE Review, focusing on best practice for international students support.


Dr Alexandra Gray, Academic Director at BSBI was quoted in The PIE News as they announced the partnership between BSBI and Concordia University Chicago.


The news published in Blog Tudo De Novo announced that Eduardo Barbozardo, Professor at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, will speak at Fortaleza’s event about studying in Germany.


Students from Berlin School of Business and Innovation examined how satisfied consultants are with their employers, and complied a ranking of the 20 largest international management consultancies operating in Germany. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published their findings in this article.


Study Travel Magazine announced the new partnership between Berlin School of Business and Concordia University Chicago, which will see the introduction of two new postgraduate programmes to be offered in Berlin.


The partnership between BSBI and Concordia University Chicago was mentioned in Study Travel News, the weekly video news roundup.




Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in Marketing Borse, citing an analysis conducted by the school, revealing that around 60% of the leading managers in the top German digital companies completed business economics studies with their companies. 


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article published in, about an analysis conducted by the school revealing that around 60 percent of the leading managers in the top German digital companies completed business economics studies with their companies.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article published in about studying in Germany, presenting details of BSBI’s education offer.


Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Programmes and Partnership Director at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was interviewed on EPT 1, the first channel of the national flagship television network in Greece, discussing the current and future prospects of the European integration, commenting on new developments in the European Union.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in the news in L’opinione delle Liberta’ and ARG, announcing some of its students will travel to Italy as part of their Master in Fashion Retail and Luxury Management with Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO.


Wirtschafts Woche Grunder and published a recent analysis by Berlin School of Business and Innovation, looking at the educational background of top-level executives in major German digital companies and start-ups were reported in the following articles.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in the ‘Study Abroad’ column featured in Deccan Herald, as an institution known in Germany for its economics programmes.


Dr Alexandra Gray, Academic Director at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was featured in the weekly ‘Out of Office’ column with her blog about Berlin, published by the Association of MBAs

Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the social media presence of famous virologists around the world. The news was reported in the following media: Diario de Xalapa, Sol de Cuernavaca, El sol de Tulancingo, Diario del sur, SDP Noticias, Sin Embargo, GM5.COM.MX, The world news, Diario la Talacha.

Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article about the top seven Online Business Administration Master Programmes 2019, published in AB Proje.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in these articles analysing the social media presence of famous virologists around the world. The news was reported in the following media: Genuss

Chad Manian, Lecturer and Interdisciplinary Researcher at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, published this article about five tech trends to watch out for after COVID-19 in New Digital Age

The BSBI team were busy doing lots behind the scenes in December. Check out May 2020 for more about BSBI in the Media.

Berlin School of Business and Innovation analysed the popularity of social media profiles of medical experts and virologists during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article was reported in the following media: Marketing Boerse, Zona Franca, El Sole De Mexico, Central.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article in Big Time Daily, reporting on the official opening of the school in November 2018.


Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, was quoted in this article about the importance of talent in the workforce, published in Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward – the publication for the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals


BSBI was mentioned in the printed edition of Education Investor Global Magazine within the cover feature dedicated to Aaron Etingen, Founder and CEO of Global University Systems. In the same issue BSBI was listed as one of the institutions taking part in the Global Bundling initiative with London School of Business and Finance.


PQ Magazine mentioned Berlin School of Business and Innovation as one of the institutions partnering with London School of Business and Finance for its Global Bundling initiative.


La Factory, Études a l’étranger mentioned Berlin School of Business and Innovation in this blog about studying in Germany.


University Business announced the appointment of Alexander Zeitelhack as Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation in the printed edition of the magazine.


The BSBI team were busy doing lots behind the scenes in December. Check out January 2019 for more about BSBI in the Media




BSBI was mentioned in this article published in West Highlander about studying in Germany in English.


QS WOW News published this news regarding the official opening on Berlin School of Business and Innovation


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this news discussing international partnerships in higher education, published in Sinproquim.


The official opening of Berlin School of Business and Innovation was featured in Berlin Logs.


Business ON published this interview with Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at BSBI.


Berliner Woche published this news about the opening of BSBI.


The news published in West Highlander reports of the visit of BSBI representatives.


Blach Report published this news about the opening of Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


The official opening of BSBI in Berlin was featured in this news published in Aubi-plus


Nord Starter shared the news of the official opening of Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


MensPRO YouTube covered the official opening of BSBI in Berlin, publishing this video.


Study Travel Magazine shared news of the appointment of Alexander Zeitelhack as Associate Dean at BSBI.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article published in University Business, regarding Alexander Zeitelhack’s appointment as Associate Dean.


Picante published this news about the official opening of BSBI in Berlin.


Business On shared news about the opening of Berlin School of Business and Innovation in this article.


Education Investor published this article about the opening event for Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


The official opening event for BSBI was reported in Study Travel Magazine, with a photo gallery.


German magazine TextilWirtschaft published news regarding the official opening of Berlin School of Business and Innovation.


Berlin School of Business and Innovation officially in launched in Berlin. News of the opening ceremony was shared across several international media: Yahoo Finance, Markets Insider, Market Watch, The Street, Finanzen Net, The Business Journals , ADVFN, Benzinga, Value Investing News, FinanzNachrichten, Participant Education Centre, New Delhi Times, Globe Advisor, Latin Business Today, Spoke, Investor Point, Odisha Sun Times, Hospitality 21, Axcess News, Fat Pitch Financials, Ammiratus Review.


The appointment of Alexander Zeitelhack as Associate Dean at BSBI was reported in The PIE News.




Berlin School of Business and Innovation was mentioned in this article published in University World News.


Beate Appel, Senior Programme Manager at BSBI, published this article about studying in Berlin in Master Abroad.

The BSBI team were busy doing lots behind the scenes in September. Check out October 2018 for more about BSBI in the Media

The BSBI team were busy doing lots behind the scenes in August. Check out October 2018 for more about BSBI in the Media




Poets &Quants shared the news regarding the first student intake for Berlin School of Business and Innovation. The article includes quotes from Sagi Hartov, Executive Chairman and Co-Founder.




Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced its first intake, with students enrolling in the Global MBA. The news was reported internationally in several media:Yahoo! Finance, FinanzNachrichten, Market Watch, Seeking Alpha, Biz Journals, WallStreet Online, Benzinga Townhall Finance, Value Investing News, 1st Discount Brokerage, Manhattan Week
NewsBlaze, Equities.comNew Delhi Times, Odisha Sun Times, Merrill Edge
Spoke, Ammiratus Review