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Recent Publication
Recently, the Business Graduates Association (BGA) published an article by Dr. Navya titled “Architects of Change” in the latest edition of their official magazine, Business Impact. The article discusses social entrepreneurship and how business schools can serve as the instigators of impactful ecosystems.
Dr. Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra is a highly accomplished academic with a passion for economics and a dedication to teaching. She possesses over 12 years of experience imparting knowledge at the university level, under the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of external affairs and with NGOs. Her expertise lies in institutional economics, business administration and management, economic growth and sustainable development, and public policy. Her doctoral thesis, focused on institutional economics, delves into the intricate relationship between institutions and economic outcomes, providing valuable insights into the mechanisms that shape economic behaviour and performance. She has published extensively in both national and international journals, including Thematic Journal of Business Management, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Academy, and Southern Economist, showcasing her profound understanding of complex economic concepts and her ability to communicate them effectively. Her research has been presented at numerous conferences, garnering recognition, and appreciation for her intellectual contributions to the field of economics.
Throughout her academic pursuits, Dr. Navya has consistently demonstrated exceptional academic prowess, earning five gold medals and the first rank in her postgraduate studies. Her dedication to academic excellence is further exemplified by securing the fourth rank in her entire university during her bachelor’s degree, solidifying her position as a top academic performer. Her academic achievements reflect her unwavering commitment to learning, her intellectual curiosity, and her passion for knowledge.
Dr. Navya’s expertise has been recognised and sought after by various institutions, leading to her involvement as a course director and trainer at the Fiscal Policy Institute, Ministry of Finance, Karnataka, India. She has also been invited as a resource person to share her knowledge and insights with diverse audiences across various institutions. Her commitment to professional development is further exemplified by her Sustainability Coach Certification from the Swiss Learning Exchange and her LinkedIn certifications in Instructional Design. These certifications underscore her dedication to continuous learning and her ability to adapt to the evolving demands of the professional landscape.
Areas of expertise
- Institutional Economics
- Development Economics
- Economic Thought
- Public Finance
- Sustainable Development
Research interests
- Institutional Economics
- Development Economics
- Sustainable Development
- Economics of Tourism
- Navya G.S, “Managing E-Governance: Institutional framework for analysis and planning – Sakala a case study”, ISBN 978-81-95751600, 2022-23.
- Navya G.S, “The Role of Good Governance – Drawing up institutional mechanisms in quality enhancement under rural student’s community”, ISBN 978-81-940165-7-1, 2020.
- Navya G.S, ‘The essence of New Institutional Economics- Approach of two Nobel Laureates ‘published in IJRSS, ISSN 2249-2496, volume 9, Issue 4, 2019.
- Navya G.S, and D.S.Leelavathi – ‘The Rise of New Institutional Economics – Good Governance a positive influence’ ISBN 812-82-987473, 2019.
- Navya G.S, The research paper has been published in ‘Thematics Journal of business management”- A peer-reviewed international research journal on “parametric analysis of financial inclusion with respect to SBI and ICICI, 2016.
- Navya G.S, “Make in India” – Manufacturing industries, southern economist, 53rd year of publication, ISSN 0065-578, Volume 59 Number 28, Sept 15th, 2015.
- Navya G.S, “Agriculture in Karnataka: Need for Special Emphasis”, Southern Economist, 53rd year of publication, ISSN 0038-4048, Volume 57 Number 26, June 30th, 2015.
- Navya G.S, “Is India Budget 2015 women-friendly/women-oriented?”, Southern Economist, 53rd year of publication, ISSN 0038-4046, Volume 53 Number 22, March 15th, 2015.
- Navya G.S, “The Sustainable Development Vision for India – Need of Institutional Transformation from ESG Perspective.” Volume 1, 2023, ISBN Number 978-93-86550-31-6.
- Navya G.S, “Claudia Goldin: Shining a Noble Light on the Economics of Gender” Published in Issue 74 – 20.10.2023, in Berlin School of Business Innovation Gazette.
- Navya G.S, “Elinor Ostrom: Nobel Laureate and Champion of the Commons: Shattering the Glass Ceiling in Economics”, Issue 75 -27.10.2023 in, Berlin School of Business Innovation Gazette.
- Navya G.S, “Restoring planet health: A call for micro-migration, macro-conservation”, published in Deccan Herald, Indian Newspaper on 28th January 2024
- Navya G.S, “Womenomics: How gender equality drives economic growth”, published in Deccan Herald, Indian Newspaper on 11th January 2024
- Navya G.S, “Mindfulness Philosophy and the Redefined Transformation Leadership Model: The Case Study of Plum Village”, Volume 11, No. 12 (2023), ISSN 2764-4170, Journal of Law and Sustainable development, page 01-29, Q2 and Scopus publication
- Dr.Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra and Dr.Priyadarshini Pattanaik– “From big data to big decisions: How AI is revolutionising economic forecasting”- MARCH 22, 2024, ECONOMIC TIMES
- Dr. Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra and N. M. Cuong, “US-China global competition and dilemma for Vietnam’s strategic choices in the South China Sea conflict”, Heritage and Sustainable Development, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 349–364, May 2024. Q1 Publication Scopus, https://doi.org/10.37868/hsd.v6i1.550
- Dr.Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra- “2024 Budget Breakdown: Women, s gains and the gaps in India’s fiscal agenda” , July 23rd 2024, www.odishaplus , https://www.odisha.plus/2024/07/2024-budget-breakdown-womens-gains-and-the-gaps-in-indias-fiscal-agenda/
- Dr.Navya, Dr Sowmya and Dr Roopa, “Unveiling the role of psychological pian in addressing intimate partner violence with in informal institutions in addressing intimate partner violence”, Universal journal of public health, 12(3): 569-576,2024. DOI:10.13189-UJPH.2024.120314. Scopus Publication. https://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_archive.php?id=76
- Dr.Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra, “Social Entrepreneurship, exploring how academic institutions and business schools can cultivate impactful eco systems” , Business Impact, Issue 2, 2024, Official publication of the Business graduates association ( BGA), a sister organisation to the association of MBA(AMBA) https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=a6d93eda-b6e3-4b52-9e02-47eda7a2b099&pnum=22
- Dr.Ekaterina Safonova and Dr.Navya G.S, “Redefining leadership: HER voice in a new era”, June 2024 (#10), Page 17, 2024, Pioneer Magazine, Berlin school of Business and innovation Exclusive magazine. https://www.berlinsbi.com/about-us/publications/pioneer
- Dr.Navya Gubbi Sateeshchandra, “Green economics: Rethinking growth for a sustainable future”, June 2024 (#10), Page 20, 2024, Pioneer Magazine, Berlin school of Business and innovation Exclusive magazine. https://www.berlinsbi.com/about-us/publications/pioneer
Conferences, Talks, and Speaking Engagements
- 2023: Attended the 5-day faculty orientation programme held from 14th to 18th of March 2023 at Christ University, Koramangala Camps, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- 2022: Attended International conference on empowering to create a smart future through e-governance and digitalization
- 2020: Attended the Three Days Virtual International Workshops on “Research Methodology” Organized by the Department of Physical Sciences in Association with IQAC, APS College of Arts and Science
- 2019: Attended an International Conference on recent management trends conducted at Aacharya Group of Institutions, Soladevanahalli
- 2017: Attended the 3rd International Conference on “Economic growth and sustainable Development; Emerging trends on November 10th and 11th, 2017 at SDMIMD, Mysore
- 2016: Attended an international conference on global convergence in management practices conducted by Bangalore University
- 2016: Attended faculty development programme on teaching approaches as part of the assurance of learning for MBA programmes in India conducted by Bhavan’s M.P.Birla Institute of Management
- 2016: Attended a workshop on “New ideas in strategic thinking and management” conducted by Indus business academy as part of the celebration of the strategic management forum foundation day
- 2015: Attended faculty development programme on “Solving Operations Research Problems using MS-Excel” held on May 26th, 2015, at R.V. Institute of Management, Bangalore
- 2015: Attended workshop on spirituality and business conducted in ‘PES INSTITUTE’
- 2015: Attended a faculty Development programme on NLP in Sheshadripuram Institute of Management
- 2015: Attended MBA faculty orientation programme on Innovation Management held on February 13th, 2015 by T. John Institute of Management and Science in association with Canara Bank School of Management Studies.
- 2014: Attended orientation workshop on “Economics for Managers” held at MP Birla Institute of Management, Associate Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
- 2011: Attended UGC sponsored National seminar on “social exclusion and inclusive policy” In Jnanabharathi, Bangalore University
- 2009: Attended UGC sponsored National seminar on “Globalization – The need for new economic thought and policy prescription” in Siddaganga Institution, Tumkur
Paper Presentation
- Presented Research paper in the national conference on “EMERGING TRENDS IN BUSINESS” at KSOU, Mysore, Karnataka, India
- Presented research paper in an international conference on “MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE ISSUES AND DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE” in Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India
- Presented research paper at the national conference on “FINANCIAL INCLUSION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” at Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Presented research paper in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Academy on, ‘The essence of New Institutional Economics- Approach of two Nobel Laureates’at Sheshadripuram College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Presented research paper in the One Day National Conference
- On Socio-Economic Strategies for Empowering Vibrant India on 10th November 2023 Conducted by APS Educational Trust, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Invited Talk
- Have been Invited by Sheshadripuram College, Karnataka, India in association with IQAC Karnataka, India to deliver a talk on “The relationship between Education and Economic Growth “on 31.03.2023.
- Have been invited to deliver a lecture on Change Management at Fiscal policy Institute, Ministry of Finance, for the training programme on Organisational Behaviour and HRM for the Group B officers.
- Invited to deliver a talk on “Team building and Team effectiveness” for the group B officers for the Karnataka State Account department (KSAD) officers, Government of Karnataka, India
- Invited to deliver a talk on communication skills twice for Group A officers in KSAD From Fiscal Policy Institute, Karnataka , India.
- Invited by Regional Training Center, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, to give a talk on Economics and Management related topics like Demonetization, Human Resource Development, Change Management and Stress Management for three days on 5th, 6th and 8th of December 2016 (Reference – Regional Training Center (RTC) – BNG/ADMN/2016-17/363
- Invited as a judge for all the academic activities in 2019 at Christ University, Bangalore, India
- Invited as a resource person in Kristu Jyanthi College, Bangalore for National service scheme organised in youth week 2021, Guest Lecture on “Youth is the best time in Life”
- Invited as an International Resource Person by Government First Grade Women’s college, Women Empowerment Cell and IQAC, Karnataka, India organised International Webinar on Women Empowerment, – New Dimensions in the 21st Century.
- Invited by Priyamvada Birla Management institute, Karnataka , India to deliver a talk on Negotiation skills and Management perspective.
- Invited to Deliver a talk by East West School of Business Management, Karnataka, India in association with IQSC to an International webinar on the topic, “Applying Micro Economics to real-world business scenarios” on 6th Jan, 2024
- Invited to deliver a talk by Government first grade college, Kushalnagara, India in association with the department of collegiate education and IQAC on “Sustainable development and developing Economy on December 5th and 6th, 2023
- Invited to deliver a talk by University of Airlangaa, Indonesia, on “The evolution of Institutions and their impact on Economic development” on February 13th , 2024
Awards and Honors
- Best paper presenter – International Centre of Economics, Humanities and Management 26th – 28th September 2022, Paris, France.