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Dr. Palanivel is associated with BSBI, Berlin as Lecturer in Human Resource Management & Finance Stream. Prior to joining BSBI, he held the designation “Head” Faculty of Management in Sharda University, Uzbekistan, Central Asia and “Dean of Arts” assignments in DMI St John the Baptist University, Malawi, Central Africa. Also, he has associated earlier with the DMI St Eugene University in Zambia, MAM Business School and various Engineering Colleges in India.
He has done his Ph.D. in Management from Mannonmanium Sundaranar University in India. Besides this, he holds an MBA Degree from SRM University in India and a BE Chemical Engineering degree from Annamalai University in India. Also, he completed six NPTEL Certificate Programs conducted by various IITs in India.
He brings with him 14 years of rich working experience in teaching and research. Furthermore, he has a keen interest in the Case Method of teaching and research. He is an academic out of passion. Not only that, but he also takes keen interest in guiding Ph.D. students. He has supervised three Ph.D. research scholars under his supervision at DMI St Eugene University in Zambia.
Dr. Palanivel has actively involved himself in research and publications and has over 40 research papers in international/national journals and international conferences. He has also authored 2 text books in Strategic Management & TQM.
Dr. Palanivel has been invited as an expert in SPSS & Research Methodology workshops and conferences around the globe. He has taken part in conferences and faculty development programs at leading B-schools in India and abroad. He is also having active memberships of ISTE.
Areas of expertise
- Human Resource Management
- Finance
- Mixed Research Methodology
- Statistical Analysis
Awards and Honours
- Certificate of appreciation for successfully completed a consultancy project at Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Tiruchirappalli in India.
- Received best Faculty Award.
- Received Young Researcher Award.
- “Employee Representation and Health and Safety”, Elixir International Online Journal, ISSN: 2229-712X, 29 July 2011.
- “Assessing the Inputs and Outputs of Partnership Arrangements for Health and Safety Management”, Elixir International Online Journal, ISSN: 2229-712X, 27 September 2011.
- “Knowledge Management leads to Organizational Performance”, Elixir International Online Journal, ISSN: 2229-712X, 27 September 2011.
- “Workplace Safety Strategies in Mental Health Settings – A Study with Reference of NASW” International Journal of Applied Management & Research, ISSN: 0974 8709, Volume 3, Special Issue, December 2011.
- “A Study on Partnering for Sustainability in the Workplace” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ISSN: 2231-5780, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2012.
- “A Study on Effect of Technological Change on the Frequency of Child Labour in the Indian Match Industry” International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 1, Issue3, August-2012, ISSN 2278-7763.
- “Human Resource Administration in Relation to CEOs in Not-for-Profit Organization” DRISHTIKON, A Management Journal, Volume 3, Number 3, September 2012, ISSN 0975-7422.
- “Women’s Work and Family Balance: The Scope for Equal Opportunity Programme in India” South Asia Research, Volume 32, Number 3, November 2012, ISSN 0262-7280. SAGE Publication.
- “Work and Sept Stability through Equal Occupation Opportunity Platforms and Accord Making in India” Asian Review of Social Sciences, Volume 1, Number 2, December 2012, ISSN 2249-6319.
- “Human Resource Administration in Relation to CEOs in Not-for-Profit Organization” Asian Journal of Managerial Science, Volume 1, Number 2, December 2012, ISSN 2249-6300.
- “An Analysis on the Occupational Health and Social Security of Careless Workers in the Construction Industries” International Journal of Applied Management & Research, ISSN: 0974 8709, Volume 5, Special Issue, January 2013.
- “An Analysis on the Occupational Health and Social Security of Unorganized Workers in the Construction Industry of India” International Journal of Management and Business Studies, Volume 3, January 2013, ISSN 2167-0439.
- “High Commitment Strategies for Indian Industries”, Journal of Management and Science, ISSN: 2250-1819, Special Issue-12, Volume 2 April 2013.
- “A Study on Effects of globalization on Higher Education in India”, Elixir International Online Journal, ISSN: 2229-712X, 29 September 2014.
- “A Study on globalization of Higher Education through foreign direct investment: a phase to be engaged or not in India?”, Elixir International Online Journal, ISSN: 2229-712X, 29 September 2014.
- “A Study on Africa Hospitality Management Competencies: Do Faculty and Students Match on Employability Skills?”, The International Research Journal of Social Science and Humanities, ISSN: 2220-4702, Vol. 6, No.10, October 2017.
- “A Study on Work Life advantages and organisational change: Overcoming mixed messages to move from margin to the mainstream”, Journal of applied science and computations, Volume VI, Issue I, January/ 2019, ISSN no: 1076-5131.
- “A study on socio-economic conditions and work life balance of women workers in textile spinning mills”, International Journal of Business Management Insight and Transformations, Vol 3, Issue I, 2019.
- “A Paradigm Change in Training and Development Trends”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Management, Vol. 1, Issue 2, February 2019, ISSN (Online): 2618-057X.
- “An Empirical Study on Consumer Preference with Reference to Meenakshi Mission Hospital”, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering Volume IX, Issue II, February 2019. (UGC – approved Journal).
- “Brand Preference and Customer Satisfaction towards Impulse Product with Special reference to Active Group”, International Journal of Business Management Insight & Transformations Vol. 3, Issue 1 – 2019.
- “Rural Marketing Strategies Adopted by Rural Women – An Analysis”, Journal of Marketing and Sales Management Volume 3 Issue 1 ISSN: 2457-0095 (Online), Volume 3 issue 1, P 12-21.
- “Financial Prudence Among Youths in Mangochi”, Think India Journal, Volume 22, Issue 14, December 2019.
- “Analysis of Performance and Profitability of Sunbird Malawi”, Think India Journal, Volume 22, Issue 14, Dec 2019.
- “A Critical Study on Human Resource Management with Special Reference to China”, TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing Management Research (TAJMMR), Vol 9, Issue 1, January 2020, ISSN: 2279-0667.
- “Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Buying Behaviour- A Conceptual Approach”, Our Heritage, Vol-68-Issue-30-February-2020.
- “Power of Digital Economy on Education in India – An overview”, Journal of Xidian University, April – 2020, ISSN No:1001-2400.
- “The Effect of National Culture on International Business Enactment: The Case of Foreign Firms in India”, Strad Research, Vol-7, Issue -8, August 2020, ISSN No.: 0039-2049.
- “A Study on Impact of Stress towards Work Related Behaviour among Secondary School Teachers in Malawi”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, Vol-1, No-1, Dec 2020, ISSN No.: 2774-5368, P 40-43.
- “Information Technology and its role in the Performance of the Human Resource Management Function: As a study a selection firm in the City of Blantyre, Malawi”, Personnel Today, Vol-1, Issue-2, Jan 2021, ISSN No.: 0970-8405, P 257-262.
- “A Study on Satisfaction Level of Customers towards Naturals Salon and Spa at Virdhu Nagar” International Journal of Marketing, Sales and Brand Management, Vol- 3, Issue-1, April – 2021, P 35- 45.
- “Review on Job Stress and Coping Strategies” International Journal of Aquatic Science, Vol 12, Issue 03, October – 2021, ISSN: 2008-8019, P 2871- 2885.
- “A Study on the Impact of Social Media Networking in Education with Special reference in Malawi” European Journal of Innovation in Nonformal Education, Vol-1, Issue 1, November 2021.
- “Women Empowerment through Self Help Group” Vidyabharathi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, November 2021, ISSN 239-4979, P 3569-3574.
- Accepted for Publish (Indian Patent) “Impact on Job Clarity in company/industry”
Research Interests
- International HRM
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Training and Development
- Strategic HRM
Conferences, Talks, and Speaking Engagements
Served as a keynote speaker, Session Chair, International Advisory Board Member and Chief Guest of various National & International conferences around the globe.