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Doctoral Researcher in Tourism at the University of Lisbon for TERRITUR at the Centre for Geographical Studies. Master in Tourism with a Minor in Management by the Graduate Program in Tourism of the Federal Fluminense University. Postgraduate degree in Higher Education Teaching (Pedagogical year) from the Candido Mendes University. Bachelor in Tourism from the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality at Federal Fluminense University. Researcher at LABCONS-Laboratory of Behavioral Studies in Tourism and reviewer of important tourism journals such as PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural and others.
Flavio has more than 11 years of professional experience in tourism (3 years in management positions) working on diverse hospitality companies, revenue management, tourism agencies, market research, consulting projects, and as a university MBA professor.
- MA Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management: Strategic Approach in Marketing Planning for Hospitality
- MSc Digital Marketing: Project Management and Leadership
- BSc (Hons) Business and Management: Business Seminar 3 – Professional Practice
- Global MBA – PATHWAY FOUR: MARKETING MANAGEMENT: Digital Marketing Communication
- BSc (Hons) Business and Management: Critical Analysis with English for Academic Purposes 2
- BSc (Hons) Digital Marketing and social media: Brand Identity
Areas of expertise
- Tourism Marketing
- Consumer Behaviour
- Revenue Management
- Behavioural Economics
- Behavioural Pricing
Awards and honours
- 4000 nights as a Revenue Manager of Gem Accommodation.
- Distinction as a Vice-President on consulting projects on Pacto Consulting Company.
- Santos, Flavio Andrew do Nascimento; NUNES, M. ; MAYER, V. F. . Revenue Management E Yield Management: Precificação Diferencial No Turismo E Desafios Da Percepção De Justiça. PODIUM: SPORT, LEISURE AND TOURISM REVIEW, v. 9, p. 174, 2020.
- Santos, Flavio Andrew do Nascimento; VAVDINOS, NIKOLAOS ; MARTINEZ, LUIS F. . Avances y perspectivas para la investigación del turismo del vino en Portugal. Pasos. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural (Online), v. 18, p. 159-170, 2020. Citações:2
- Santos, Flavio Andrew do Nascimento; MAYER, V. F. ; MARQUES, O. R. B. . Dynamic pricing and price fairness perceptions: a study of the use of the Uber app in travels. Turismo. Visão e Ação, v. 21, p. 239, 2019.
- SANTOS, F. A. N.; MACHADO, J. S. ; MAYER, V. F. . O Efeito Framing e a percepção de valor e de preço: Uma análise sobre a decisão de compra do turista em um quarto de hotel no Rio de Janeiro. CULTUR: REVISTA DE CULTURA E TURISMO, v. 12, p. 07-30, 2018.
- Santos, Flavio Andrew do Nascimento; SOUZA NETO, V. . Price Fairness. In: Dimitrios Buhalis. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. 1ed.London: Elgar Online, 2022, v. 1, p. 0-.
- Santos, Flavio Andrew do Nascimento. Short-Term Rental Development and Overtourism: A Case of Lisbon, Portugal. In: Maximiliano Korstanje. (Org.). Socio-Economic Effects and Recovery Efforts for the Rental Industry: Post-COVID-19 Strategies. 1ed.: IGI Global, 2021, v. 1, p. 134-146.
- Santos, Flavio Andrew do Nascimento. O PENSAMENTO SOBRE A CIDADE E O PLANEJAMENTO ESTRATÉGICO RIO 2016. In: Cláudia Margarida Brito Ribeiro de Almeida. (Org.). Turismo, sustentabilidade e hospitalidade. 1ed.: Antonella Carvalho de Oliveira, 2019, v. 1, p. 41-49.
- Santos, Flavio Andrew do Nascimento. A PROMOÇÃO DO TURISMO LGBT NA CIDADE DO RIO DE JANEIRO: O CONSUMO E A UTILIZAÇÃO DOS ESPAÇOS NA CIDADE. Turismo, Sustentabilidade e Hospitalidade 2. 2ed.: Atena Editora, 2019, v. , p. 1-9.
- SANTOS, F. A. N.. Caderno Discentes – Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica do Curso de Turismo. Faculdade de Turismo & Hotelaria da Universidade Federal Fluminense, p. 50 – 64, 01 dez. 2015.
Research interests
- Decision Making Process
- Consumer & Tourist Behaviour