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Prof. Dr Lawrence Ibeh started lecturing and teaching since he was 17 and has worked as a scientist and university lecturer for about 30 years. He is an accomplished researcher and award-winning international scholar. His PhD with distinction (1.0/1.0), focusing on Computer Science/IT, Data Science, and Sustainability Science, was awarded by the Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany. Besides his excellent PhD Degree, Prof. Dr. Lawrence Ibeh also holds a Master’s Degree in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Remote Sensing from the prestigious Nigerian Premier University, The University of Ibadan, Ibadan; a Master’s Degree/ Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Information Computer Technology/Engineering from the Federal University of Technology (FUTO), Owerri, Nigeria; Master’s Degree in Project Management/Environmental Management, from the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT); and an MBA from the Quantic School of Business and Technology, focusing on Digital Transformation and Management, Washington DC, USA (in-view). He also has several professional certifications such as IT, UX/UI Design, Full-Stack Software Development, Programming etc. He has worked as a senior scientist and adjunct professor in universities in three continents: Africa (in Nigeria), Europe (Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Germany), North America (USA). His pedagogic experience includes among others: designing of programs, innovation studies, new curricula development and programs syllabi, creating of online programs, development of courseware and course modules. In March 2024, Prof. Dr. Lawrence Ibeh also earned an Executive MBA degree from the Quantic School of Business and Technology.
Prof. Dr. Ibeh is also the founder of LLMU-innovate Consulting, an international Tech consulting firm. He has also worked as a consultant for many Fortune 500 companies across the globe. He has an extremely strong skill in transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary fields and simplifying of complex topics and concepts. He has led large scale projects worth multimillion Euros with partners including international organizations and multinationals such as the United Nations on Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), European Space Agency (ESA), United States Geological Surveys (USGS); Shell Petroleum Development Cooperation (SPDC), Chevron and Mobil Corporations.
Prof. Dr. Ibeh has over 30 publications including journal articles, conference proceedings, talks, book chapters and books. His experience in academic publishing includes topics on artificial intelligence, geo-environmental data sciences, machine learning, neural networks, modelling, remote sensing, environmental management, climate change and sustainability science etc. He has written many successful grant proposals and received numerous academic awards and fellowships to his credit. For example, in 2011 he was a Research Fellow at ICTA – Institut de Ciecia i Technologia Ambientals-UAB, Barcelona, Spain, a programme with top European Universities as partners e.g. The LMU, University of Oxford, University of Kent Uppsala Universiteit, Wageningen Universitet, Tallinn University. in 2012, he was selected as one of the 60 most talented and promising Scholars across the globe by the VolkswagenStiftung Research Fellowship. In 2018, he was a Research Fellow in a project partly funded by the Columbia University, New York, USA. He is a membership to several professional bodies including:
- Member, The Integrated Assessment Society (TIAS) ,
- Fellow, International Association of Conflict Management (IACM).
- Member, International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRM).
- Member, Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM).
- Member, Nigerian Institute of Safety Professionals (NISP).
- Member, European Society for Environmental History (ESEH).
- Member, American Association of Geographers (AAG).
- Member, Nigerian Association of Geographers (NAG).
Areas of expertise
- IT
- Data Science/Data Analytics
- Software Development (Full-Stack)
- UX Design
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Remote Sensing
- Project/Environmental Management
- Sustainability Science.
Awards and Honours
- Research Grant – UX Design/Full-Stack Web-Development Training, Bundesagentur-für-arbeit, München, Germany (2020-2022)
- Fellowship, Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, andComplexity (AC4), Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA (2018)
- Research Grant for Usage of High-Resolution Satellite Image, European Space Agency (2015-2019)
- LMU-DAAD International Students’ Fellowship for Excellent Postgraduate Studies, LMU, Munich, Germany (2015-2018)
- The KEF Scholarship, Fellowship, The Commission for Development and Research, Austrian Agency of International. Cooperation in Education and Research: OeAD, Vienna, Austria (2014)
- Doctoral Research Grant, Rachel Carson Center, LMU, Munich, Germany (2014)
- Doctoral Research Grant, Rachel Carson Center, LMU, Munich, Germany (2013)
- VolkswagenStiftung Fellowship for 60 most talented Junior Scholars, Hannover, Germany (2012)
- Erasmus Fellowship for Intensive Program on Interdisciplinary Methods, Summer School in Barcelona, Spain (2011)
- Education Trust Fund (ETF) Fellowship, Nigeria, Ph.D. Research preparatory Scholarship, University of Twente, Enschede Netherlands (2009-2010)
- Outstanding Performance Award in Community Development Service (CDS), Awarded by National Youths Service Corps (NYSC) (2000)
Publications and Research Interests
Selected Journal Articles and Other Publications
- Ibeh GF, Udochukwu BC, Ibeh LM, Okoh D. (2020) “Evaluation of methane emission distributions in Nigeria using neural network model”, Climate Change, 2020, 6(21), 109-119 http://www.discoveryjournals.org/climate_change/current_issue/v6/n21/A10
- Ibeh, Lawrence (2019): A transdisciplinary-based coupled approach for vulnerability assessment in the context of natural resource-based conflicts using remote sensing, spatial statistics and fuzzy logic adapted models. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Geosciences, https://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/24770/
- N.Abdu, L.Ibeh, et al. (2013). “White Paper on Limits to Growth”Revisited-VolkswagenStiftung 2012. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tCjdlqkAAAAJ&hl=en
- O.S Maliki, AO Agbo, AO Maliki, LM Ibeh, CO., Agwu (2011) “Comparison of regression model and artificial neural network model for the prediction of electrical power generated in Nigeria, Advances in Applied Science Research. vol 2, Issue 5. pp 329-339 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tCjdlqkAAAAJ&hl=en
- CN Mbah, JN Nwite, C Njoku, LM Ibeh, TS Igwe. (2010 “Physical properties of an ultisol under plastic film and no-mulches and their effect on the yield of maize”. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol 6, Issue 2., pp 160-165 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tCjdlqkAAAAJ&hl=en
- Uneke, C.J, and L.M, Ibeh (2009). “Impacts of deforestation on malaria in south-eastern Nigeria: the epidemiological, socio-economic and ecological implications”. The Internet Journal of Third World Medicine Volume 8 Number 1 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tCjdlqkAAAAJ&hl=en
- Njoku, Chima, and Lawrence. Ibeh (2009): “Causes of Climate change and its Biological Effects”.In C.o Iwundu (ed) African Journal of Professional Research in Human Development (AJPRHD). A Publication of De-Caritas Centre for Human Development for Studies in Human Development in Africa (DECSHDA).vol.1 No. 10. Pp.49-55
- Ibeh, Lawrence.M and Agukoronye, O.C (2008): “Economic cost of the externalities of Quarry Industry on crop profitability in Abakaliki-Ebonyi State of Nigeria” in P.O Phil-Eze (ed). Nigerian Journal of Geography and the Environment: A Publication of Department of Geography, University of Nigeria Nsukka. pp47-57.
- Ibeh, Lawrence.M (2007): “Problems of environmental pollution victims in their quest for compensation in the Nigerian oil industry”; Nigeria Environmental Law Review. Publication of Nigeria Environmental Law Society. Vol I pp.53-63.
- Ibeh, Lawrence.M. and Mbah, Charles.N (2007): “Surface water characteristics of urban rivers in Enugu in Southeastern Nigeria” in O.C Onochie (ed). World Journal of BiotechnologyVol 8. No.2 pp1412-1417 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tCjdlqkAAAAJ&hl=en
Book Chapters
- Ibeh, L.M (2013) “The Geography of Civil Conflicts on the Oil Frontiers of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria: Modeling the Ecological Correlates and Risk of Micro-level Violent Conflict,” 1980s-2010. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 114.390. 181-182, Munich.
- Onu, Fergus.U, and Ibeh, Lawrence.M (2007) “Fundamentals of Computer Networking” in Mbam Fundamentals of Computer and Information Technology. Enugu: Realm Production Publishers.pp.88-107.
Research Interests
- Geo-environmental Data Science with strong research and leadership mind set
- e-learning, virtual learning, innovation studies
- Development of data concepts and software for modelling and analysis of spatiotemporal systems
- Development of blended learning methodologies and materials for spatio-temporal modelling with strong interdisciplinary research context
- Spatio-temporal modelling to understand physical geographical systems and socioecological systems with an emphasis on model – data integration and complex physical-human system interactions.
- Development of algorithm for image processing using computer vision and deep learning methodology
Additional Information
Conferences, Talks, and Speaking Engagements
- Ibeh, LM and Mauser, W (2018) “Improving resource conflict management in communities: A transdisciplinary coupled modeling approach” International Association for Conflict Management Conference 8-11th July 2018 Philadelphia, USA.
- Ibeh, LM and Mauser, W(2018). “Re-thinking resource curse? neo-ecological approach and natural resource conflict management in communities of Niger Delta in Nigeria” International Association for Conflict Management Conference 8-11th July 2018 Philadelphia, USA.
- Ibeh, L.M (2016) “Potentials of integrating remote sensing and a psychometric based-fuzzy logic model for natural resource conflict simulation, Ph.D. Seminar, Geography Department, LMU, Munich February 10.
- Ibeh, L.M (2015) “Beyond resource curse: integrative analysis of resource conflict vulnerabilities using remote sensing and fuzzy logic models in the Niger Delta”. LMU Sustainability Event ‘Greening the LMU’ How Sustainable do we want to be? , Munich, July 9
- Ibeh, Lawrence and Mauser, Wolfram (2014) “Complexity thinking: A new approach in the risk analysis of natural resource-use conflicts in Nigerian oil extractive territories” Ist Austrian International Conference on Resource Fairness, Vienna December, 4th-6th
- Ibeh, Lawrence M (2014) Complexity thinking in territorialized natural resource-related violence: A Nigerian oil conflict case. Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Florida April 8-14.
- Ibeh, Lawrence, W. Mauser, A Onwusulu (2013).” Disaggregated assessment: spatial data on modeling of the risk of natural resource violence in oil extractive environments of Nigeria” Geography and Sustainability Conference on Transdisciplinary Research and Modeling. Munich, April 10-11.
- DongyanMu, Diego Murguia, Philip Nuss, Liang Shi (2012) “Energy and resources: A transition model towards sustainability”. Presentation at the Limits to growth revisited. Conference. Energy and Resources Group. VW Foundation, Winter School, Visselhövede, Hannover, November, 28-29.
- Adedeji O. H., Ibeh, Lawrence M. and Oyebanji, F. F.(2011) “Sustainable management of mangrove coastal environments in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: the role of remote sensing and GIS” Proceedings of the Environmental Management Conference, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
- Ibeh, Lawrence M, (2008) “Developing a methodology for water resources management in Agricultural production in Nigeria using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)”. Presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN),Held at Abakaliki, 19th – 23rd October.
- Okonkwo, ClementI. Egwu , Sam.O, and Ibeh, Lawrence M.(2008) “Effect of different Land Use Management Systems on Mycorrhizal infection of Soybean in Abakaliki” Presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN), Held at Abakaliki, 19th to 23rd October.
Portfolio-site: https://nextparadym.github.io/portfolio-website/
Data Science Teaching Portfolio (codes): https://github.com/NextParadym/codes-data-science-visualization-spatial-statistics
Product Design Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/lawrenceibeh