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Dr Chaditsa Poulatova is a British trained and dedicated academic, with a PhD (Newcastle University) in politics and human rights, and qualified in law and business leadership (LLM and MBA). She is a published author on issues of media terrorism, security and cultural risk, and an experienced multilingual (English, Russian, Greek, Albanian) lecturer and consummate presenter with interests in children’s rights and child safeguarding, professional security, and business compliance and ethics.
Before joining BSBI, Chaditsa was an International Advisor for Cyber Rescue Alliance and former Researcher at Royal Higher Institute for Defence (Brussels). She is currently an Executive Board Member of the Atlantic Council of United Kingdom, a Member of the Security Institute, and the Politics Department at Newcastle University.
Being an active member of the Politics Department, she has presented in numerous national and international conferences on subjects ranging from human trafficking to Globalisation and its implications on National Security.
Areas of expertise
- Business and Leadership
- Hospitality and Event Management
- Cyber Security and Leadership
- Children’s Rights in War and Conflict Situations
- International Law and Human Rights
- Trafficking of women and children
- Media and Terrorism
Conferences, Talks, and Speaking Engagements
- Presented paper to senior US and NATO officials at a NATO sponsored conference in Tallinn, Estonia in 2014.
- Chaired ‘Security Matters’ hosted by Virgin Money, at The Security Institute, March 2019.
- Presented ‘How Should Executives respond to Operational Challenges during a Cyber Attack’, at International Security Expo, London, November 2018.
- Presented ‘Digital Parenting: Pros and Cons’, INFOSEC, Moscow, November 2018.
- Presented ‘Lessons Learnt from Equifax Breach’, YUDU, London, May 2018.
- Poulatova, C, ‘The Symbiotic relationship of media and terrorism. The Media: A Terrorist Tool or a Silent Ally’, Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) and the Atlantic Council of the UK, September 2011.
- Poulatova, C, and Saunders, H, ‘The Prevent Duty on Universities: The Right Balance’, Risk UK, April 2018. https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/60011843/riskukapril2018
- Poulatova, C, ‘Towards Effective Risk Communication’, Risk UK, June 2016. https://www.security-institute.org/news/press_coverage_docs_2016/2016_jun_risk_uk_cp
- Poulatova, C, and Houlis, P, ‘The Age of Intervention: Is corporate Security paying for the backlash?’ ASIS International Newsletter, November 2015. https://issuu.com/asisuk/docs/asis_nov15_low_rez
- Poulatova, C, ‘Cyber Threat vs Cyber Defence: Problems, Lessons and Possibilities’, submitted to International Security Journal following my presentation at NATO conference in June 2014.
- Poulatova, C, ‘Children and Armed Conflict’ (Book), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.
- Poulatova, C, ‘Effectiveness of the UN Human Rights Machinery: Analysis of States Parties’ Performance in Submitting Reports on CRC and OPAC’, International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, May 2011. www.culturaldiplomacy.org/culturaldiplomacynews/content/articles/participantpapers/2011-symposium/Effectiveness-of-the-UN-Machinery-Analysis-of-States-Parties-Performance-in-Submitting-Reports-DrChaditsa-Poulatova.pdf
- Poulatova, C, ‘Special Protection measures to protect Children’s Rights Vulnerability: State Parties Reporting on Article 38 of the CRC under Scrutiny’, International Journal of Children’s Rights, Vol 21 (2013) pp569–589.