Succeeding in the World of Tourism and Hospitality with Epilepsy
Fight stigma around epilepsy and continue to foster a career you love
How do different diseases impact people’s lives? It all depends on the individual and their personal health If you suffer from epilepsy or another disease, it is important to be strong and not quit your dreams. This is a world full of opportunities and everyone should take an opportunity. The path will be hard for everyone, but when you want to achieve a life goal, do not let anyone or anything stop you.
“When you want to achieve a life goal, do not let anyone or anything stop you.”
Every person that has ever had that moment when they ask God ˝Why me?˝ Why not? Nothing, not even epilepsy could stop you achieving your dreams! There is no point sitting at home and thinking why I am the one with epilepsy and I cannot do anything because I could have an attack anytime?! Epileptic people may have an attack at home just as they may have an attack at their workplace, whether that is in a tourist agency, hotel, restaurant, or bar. Actually, no one could predict what can happen when you step outside your home. A disease is not a good reason to quit your job and a disease is not an excuse to not hire a good candidate. It is important to communicate, gain information from your doctor and let a few colleagues know of your condition. Your colleague could help you, but if you are sitting at home waiting on whether an attack will happen or not — you will get nothing from that.
What if an epilepsy attack will never happen again and you decided to sit at home and wait on it? There is no need to feel ashamed about having epilepsy. At least if you are doing a job you like, it could bring joy to your body, which is good, right? And what can you bring to your body through the decision to sit at home and think ´Why me?´ Well, for sure nothing good. People nowadays have more empathy and understanding. Do not let anyone, not even your bad thoughts, tell you that just because of epilepsy or anything similar you cannot achieve your life goal.
“This article was written by Mia Popovic, a MA in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management, student at BSBI. This is from the latest edition of our student magazine, Pioneer.”
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At BSBI, we offer three tourism and hospitality programmes:
BA Tourism and Hospitality Management (UCA)
MA Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (UCA)
MA in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (UNINETTUNO)