Study permit for international students to study in Germany

If you would like to study in Germany with BSBI for a period of longer than 90 days, you need to apply for a German student visa which can only be used between 3-6 months. If you stay more than three months, you must apply at the Alien Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde) in Berlin to get the Residence Permit: “Aufenthaltstitel/Aufenthaltsgenehmigung”.

Getting a German student visa is not as complicated as it seems. However, there are a few steps you need to take in order to secure one, before travelling to Germany. 

In order to start your German visa application form, you need to have:

  • Certificate of health insurance
  • Valid passport
  • 3 passport photos with biometric specifications
  • Proof of covered finances
  • Letter of admission from a German institution
  • Academic certificates
  • Proof of English skills
  • Residence Permit fee

You should contact your local German embassy or consulate and make an appointment.

Click here for more information about German visa regulations.

For up to date visa information, check here or contact your local German embassy or consulate.

Blocked bank account

Once you have secured your German visa appointment, you should consider opening a blocked bank account, which is a relatively simple procedure. This is part of your visa process and it allows German authorities to check that you can afford at least the first year of your studies.

This process can last between 4-12 weeks so make sure you have allowed yourself plenty of time to access the money once your course has started. It is called blocked account because you will only have access to your funds once you’ve arrived in Germany.

Opening a blocked bank account is a relatively simple procedure. German students usually open an account with Deutsche Bank and the process can be done online here.

This is required as part of your visa process so German authorities have proof that you have a minimum of €11,904 in your account so you can find your stay for at least the first year of your studies.

Note: For students lawfully residing in Germany at the time of the application submission with a residence title other than for study purposes, the amount required for a blocked account is 9,960€ when applying for a residence permit in Berlin. Please note that the amount required can differ in other federal states.

Working whilst studying

Many students enjoy the freedom of working whilst studying. If you are interested in this, the German government allows students to work, however this is limited to 120 days per year or 240 half days annually. 

Please note that this includes voluntary work and foreign students cannot work as freelancers nor declare themselves to be self-employed.