Legal Disclosure
Information in accordance with section § 5 Digital Services Law (DDG)
BSBI-Berlin School of Business and Innovation GmbH
Alte Post Karl-Marx-Straße 97-99 12043 Berlin Germany
Geschäftsführer/CEO: Sagi Hartov und Ernst Suganandarajah
Telephone: +49 305 85840959
E-Mail: info@berlinsbi.com
Internetadresse: berlinsbi.com
E-Mail: info@berlinsbi.com
Internetadresse: berlinsbi.com
Entry in Handelsregister
Register Number: HRB 190515 B
Register Court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg – Berlin
Register Number: HRB 190515 B
Register Court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg – Berlin
Senate Department for Science, Health and Care
Oranienstr. 106
10969 Berlin
Oranienstr. 106
10969 Berlin
Responsible for content in accordance with § 18 Abs. 2 MStV
Marko Manojlovic
Marko Manojlovic
Berlin School of Business and Innovation GmbH