What is Café Artistique?
Café Artistique is a live streaming format where we invite professionals form the creative industry, to discuss and talk about design topics, trends, developments and opportunities. We are committed to make design processes more tangible, to give insight into the inner workings of marketing, branding and the everchanging field of digital media.
Origin of Café Artistique
Café Artistique is an instalment derived of a worldwide “Café”-Series like called “Café Scientifique”. Café Scientifique currently exists in more than 60 towns and cities across the World. It was the idea of Duncan Dallas, from Leeds, who was impressed by the Café Philosophique session he saw in France.
With the help of Prof. Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost & Chief Academic Officer of BSBI and founder of Café Scientifique in Berlin, which is the only official instalment in Germany
[link: http://cafescientifique.org/europe-and-scandinavia#Germany].
Café Artistique was founded to create a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, anyone can come to discuss the latest ideas in arts, design and technology or to give insight “behind the scenes” of design processes. These meetings take place in cafes, bars, restaurants and even theatres, but always outside a traditional academic context.