
An internship module offers you the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real working-world scenarios and gain valuable experience that will accelerate your professional development and help your career in the future.

During your studies at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI), you will undertake an integrated practical internship in the fourth term of your programme. During this time, you will take the first steps towards your desired field of work and have the opportunity to reflect on your projected career path.

Students pursuing the Professional Masters programmes must complete a professional training module during their studies.

The internship will be effective at the end of your master classes (Term 4).
Your mandatory internship module is fully accredited and offers 12 ECTS credits. The minimum duration of the module is 300 hours (12 weeks or three months).

The maximum number of hours you can work during your internship module depends on local regulations and should be discussed with your local career advisor. Your internship must take place in the country where you are studying.

How to Apply?

Please note that a BSBI Careers Advisor is responsible for your mandatory internship module. You can contact the Careers Service at

Alternatively, visit the BSBI JobTeaser Portal at Here, you can click BSBI Filters, then select Mandatory Internship Offers and choose the location of your campus – Germany, France or Spain. The generated job listing will contain the degree course(s) employers are open to applications.

Career Support

To maximize your chances of securing a valuable training experience with an attractive host organisation, your local BSBI Career Advisor and academic supervisor will work together to support you. The Career Advisor will assist with your application documents and help identify the most suitable organizations for your professional goals, while your academic supervisor will validate your internship.

Visit the Careers Service website.

Careers & Employability Partners

BSBI actively works with organisations in Germany, France and Spain, which host our students on internships during their studies. Some of the host organisations are listed below. The BSBI Careers Service has led the process of establishing these partnerships. Students can find available placement offers on the BSBI JobTeaser online portal. Every internship/professional project module is overseen and supported by a module supervisor from the faculty, and an extensive assessment process is in place to safeguard your learning outcomes.

  • Berlin Partner
  • EY
  • Marriott Berlin
  • Personio- The People Operating System
  • The Ritz - Carlton
  • Studydrive
  • Jobteaser
  • Europe Language Jobs
  • QCells
  • Deutsche Bank