BSBI holds second Provost’s Roundtable

On Monday 10 October, Berlin School of Business and Innovation organised its second Provost’s Roundtable to discuss the impact of the geopolitical situation surrounding Europe’s economy.

The roundtable featured the institution’s academic team with expertise in various fields such as cybernetics, tourism and technology, finance and human resource management.

The discussion was moderated by Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost & Chief Academic Officer, with Dr Anastasios Fountis, Head of Undergraduate Studies, and Dr Flavio Andrew do Nascimento Santos, Moustafa Gaballa and Dr Palanivel Rathinasabapathi Velmurugan, Lecturers at BSBI, as panel members.

The panel assessed the current geopolitical and economic environment in Europe, how the EU and NATO play a major role within the continent as well as with the rest of the world. It also covered the current perception of consumers in the EU, the impact of tourism, immigration and the role Euro plays on the world economy. Based on the discussion and their expertise, the panel shared their predictions for the future of the Europe.

Professor Kouveliotis said: “European integration has started as form of a revolution but inevitably it became a regime. It was created to stop wars in Europe and bring prosperity to citizens. It definitely succeeded on these two goals but now with all these new challenges, it needs to rediscover itself.

“We need to move one step back in order to walk to two steps forward. We also need to teach younger generations how many great things that we enjoy currently in Europe and we take for granted, are still difficult for other people.”

The event was streamed live on YouTube, allowing the audience to tune in and learn more.

Watch the recording

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