BSBI Introduces New Synchronous Teaching Method

On Wednesday 29 July, Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) hosted the ‘Health Economics Seminar Multisession’, as part of a new initiative called ‘BSBI Lab Series’.

The unique event combined face-to-face and online teaching simultaneously for the first time and students had the chance to explore important current financial challenges which were analysed by Professor Anastasios Fountis and Dr Moumita Mukherjee.

The Health Economics Seminar Multisession and BSBI Lab Series are initiatives led by Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer of BSBI, who said: “Today’s unique experience paves the way towards a new model of education which also responds effectively to the challenges that current global public health challenges have brought in world education.

“Through this innovative model designed by BSBI, our faculty and student community will continue all their academic activities with no interruptions and constraints. I am very proud of all the innovations that we are developing in the school and many more will come in the near future.

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