BSBI organises charcoal drawing workshop for Hamburg students

On Wednesday 17 January, the BSBI Faculty of Creative Industries, hosted an enriching charcoal drawing workshop for creative arts students at the Hamburg campus.

Dr Hesam Mosharraf, Lecturer, organised the workshop and Rabia Adnan, an MA Visual Communication student at BSBI FCI, was the instructor in the workshop. The aim of the event was to acquaint creative arts students with the fundamentals of charcoal drawing techniques. Seventeen enthusiastic students actively participated, exploring various drawing and design materials while becoming familiar with charcoal techniques. The workshop served as a dynamic platform for students to connect with peers from diverse creative fields.

Reflecting on the workshop, Dr Hesam shared: “The experience was invaluable for students as drawing forms the foundation of every design field, crucial for fostering creativity. It provided them with an opportunity to step away from digital drawings and reconnect with the tangible sensation of drawing.”

Dr Monika Klein, the Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries and Lecturer, remarked: “The workshop laid a solid foundation for innovative charcoal drawing techniques, fostering bonds among students pursuing different courses at BSBI.”

Maria Pesli, Lecturer, highlighted: “Creativity is a universal force that unites us all. The charcoal workshop successfully brought together students from different corners of the world who share a passion for art. We aspire to host numerous creative workshops at the Hamburg campus.”

BSBI FCI is looking forward to organising more such workshops, dedicated to nurturing and enhancing the creative skills of its students.

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