BSBI organises masterclass for creative arts students in Hamburg

On Friday 19 April, the Berlin School of Business and Innovation Faculty of Creative Industries hosted a workshop titled ‘I am rooted but I flow’ for around 50 creative arts students at the Hamburg campus.

Katerina Katsifaraki, a renowned visual artist from Greece, was the main speaker at the masterclass, which was initiated by Dr Monika Klein, Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries and Lecturer at BSBI, and coordinated by Maria Pesli, Lecturer at BSBI.

The workshop aimed to provide creative arts students with fresh perspectives on the art world and the creative industry, drawing inspiration from their surroundings and real-world approaches to enrich their learning experiences.

During the masterclass, Katerina Katsifaraki shared her artwork, installations and practices, describing the processes behind creating her work and how thoughts and sentiments can inspire new ideas, practices, forms and artworks.

Dr Monika Klein, the Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries and Lecturer, said: “This event was a catalyst for transformation, offering students fresh perspectives and illuminating the world through new eyes.”

Katerina Katsifaraki said: “I am more than pleased with the active participation of the students in the masterclass. I felt they were genuinely interested and attended with an open heart and commendable concentration. Their questions and comments at the end impressed me with their clarity and insightful perception.

“We shared thoughts and feelings reflecting upon the creative process, the difficulties, the agony, the beauty, the sense of completion, the true poiesis. I truly look forward to working with them again.”

Maria Pesli, Lecturer, added: “The Masterclass was an incredible journey in the depths of the sacred world of Katerina Katsifaraki’ s poetic art. My feeling is that all student participants were totally enchanted by her presentation and attended with genuine engagement, evident in their perceptive and full of enthusiasm comments. I believe it touched them in the core of their heart, showing them what they can achieve if they are truthful to their innermost creative spirit and work hard to manifest it.”

Vedrana Ivanovic, a BA (Hons) Animation with International Foundation student, said, “I found the masterclass very inspiring. As a digital artist, it’s easy to forget the importance of materials, and how the right combination of them can carry great meaning in a piece. Learning about the background to these artworks, which are very personal and charged with meaning, has given me a new perspective to consider for my own art. There’s beauty in the ephemeral, in capturing the greater picture for just a moment, and in the process forming a connection with something greater.”

BSBI received good feedback from the students who attended the workshop as the school continues to enrich student experiences and knowledge through various sessions with more events in the future to look forward to.

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