BSBI’s Programmes and Partnership Director Participates in Football Leadership Programme
Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Programmes and Partnership Director at Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI), recently participated in a unique didactic experience of teaching top, global football players.
He was one of the speakers taking part in the Leadership Development Programme organised by ‘5Global’, which featured Premier League club Chelsea and championship team Leeds United.
Professor Kouveliotis delivered a lecture via online webinar addressed to players as well as members of the club’s administration and management teams.
Professor Kouveliotis said: “It was a fantastic experience teaching in this innovative programme which includes some of the best athletes in the UK. My colleague, Professor English, who organised this session, has done a brilliant job in bringing together professional football at the highest level and top academics.
“This experience has been unique and I am looking forward to continuing adding great football clubs to the programme. Through education, we keep our morale high in these difficult times; I am positive that this legacy will continue as education and sport always come together.”