BSBI Virtual Open Day
On Tuesday September 4 Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) invited current and potential students to take part in its first Virtual Open Day.
The Open Day, held in the interactive and innovative form of an online webinar, was centred on the education offer provided by BSBI.
Beate Appel, Director of Curriculum and Quality, was on hand to guide viewers through the school’s portfolio, exploring the structure of the different courses along with the career paths accessible through them.
A video telling about BSBI virtual open dayWith its first Virtual Open Day, the school aimed to reach out to those who have shown interest in BSBI in the past months. During the one-hour webinar, all the questions and topics relevant to future students were answered by the school’s staff, from the courses’ structure to all the benefits of studying in Berlin.
BSBI’s Head of Recruitment Ali Salman also took part in the webinar, explaining how the school supports students through the enrolment process.
Simone Eisenhauer, Student Service Manager focused on the additional services provided by the school, including accommodation, career advice and the possibility to take on work experience and internships with the institution’s partners.

BSBI officially launched in 2018, with courses of bachelors and master in business administration, marketing, finance, tourism, hospitality events management, and fashion retail. The Virtual Open Day focused on the BA in Economics and Business Administration, as well as on the rich portfolio of postgraduate courses.