BSBI is delighted to announce that its academic partner, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, has recently joined the Universities #JoinTogether Network.
BSBI has partnered with law firm, SERS Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (SERS), to provide its international students with tailored visa and immigration advice
Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean at Berlin School of Business and Innovation, marked the school’s participation at ICEF Berlin by hosting a presentation titled ‘Study in Germany’ the pathway to successful careers at the event.
BSBI students visited the offices of TONKA PR, a communication and PR agency in Berlin. Their visit followed a workshop organised at the end of October, to give students the opportunity to take a closer look at the world of public relations and marketing.
Berlin School of Business and Innovation announced that it has recently become a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
BSBI students from the Master in International Health Management course were involved in a simulation exercise, led by Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Programmes and Partnership Director.
‘Pioneer’ is a biannual magazine, dedicated to and created by BSBI students, providing them with a platform to express themselves through blogs, letters and personal stories.
On Thursday 28 November, Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI), hosted a “Forex Trader Experience†workshop with BSBI students and CFD FX Day Trader, Zlatan Muratovic.