BSBI is proud to announce that it is now a listed institution by ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft’ (DGT), the German Society for Tourism Science.
Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) launches the “Inside Business” series where international business leaders will share their knowledge and experience.
On Tuesday 17 July, students currently enrolled in the Global MBA at Berlin School of Business and Innovation visited the “Berliner Kindl” brewery in the German capital.
Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) has welcomed the first students to its Global MBA programme in the German capital, officially launched earlier this year.
On Wednesday 28 November, Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) hosted its second virtual Open Day, following the great response received by the previous event back in September.
Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) officially opened on Tuesday 6 November in Berlin. The ceremonial event celebrated the first achievements of the young institution, as well as announcing future developments.