Dr. Niloufar Aminpour has a PhD in English Language and Literature with a specialisation in the areas of contemporary American drama, gender studies, and literary criticism.
Dr. (MD) Ahmed ElBarawi studied medicine and surgery, followed by training in the Orthopaedic Surgery specialty, served as a guest scientist in LKH University Hospital Graz, Austria.
Dr. Fountis earned a BSc in Physics (U of Athens & FU Berlin), an MBA (ALBA-Athens) and a DBA (U of Atlanta, GA). He is a Harvard Alumnus (HKS-NIS 2014 & Higher Education Teaching Certificate, GSAS) & INSEAD Alumnus (MAP; Promotion 10F).
Dr. Gemma Vallet is the Vice-Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Lecturer and Researcher at BSBI in AI & sustainability in branding. Dr. Vallet is a PhD holder and thinker making things happen for an ethical sustainable branding. She is a pioneer in digital branding and brand communities.
Dr. Sabina Kohlmann is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and lecturer in marketing at the Berlin School of Business and Innovation. Dr. Sabina Kohlmann earned the title of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Social Sciences, in 2023.
Dr. Usman Akhtar, a Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering (Kyung Hee University), brings international experience (Assistant Professor, Guest Researcher) to his research and teaching. He is passionate about fostering student success and developing critical thinking skills.
Tuğçe Saka earned her BA degree in Political Science and International Relations from Boğaziçi University, Turkey. Upon completing her studies, she worked for 15 years in marketing and strategy management positions in the finance industry before deciding to pursue an academic path.
Dr. Hesam Mosharraf is a multifaceted professional, encompassing roles as an architect, educator, entrepreneur, and photography enthusiast. His exceptional breadth of expertise is evident in his Ph.D. in Architecture-Architectural Culture from the University of Minho, Portugal.
Dr. Monika Klein is a lecturer of Faculty of Creative Industries. Her education encompasses an M.A in Political and Social Science specialization in culture, a PhD in Economics (Business Models of Creative Industries), advanced SCRUM and Prince certificates, as well as training programs in management and human resources.